quote:We have ABT here. In fact, the guy who runs it bowls a league in my local center. Me and him have talked quite a few times. I might do some of those but I'm not really sure how to get started. I know there's a very detailed form about your credentials to fill out, not sure if that's to be a member or to even be able to bowl in the events at all. Seems like more of a hassle than I'd want to deal with.
quote:printed out the application and it ask height, weight & hair and eye color
quote:jmattox,I am a member of the Chicagoland ABT branch. If you don't mind the drive from Milwaukee to our area, consider bowling some events down here while Milwaukee is on summer hiatus. We have lots of Wisconsin bowlers bowl with us. Most of our events are held on more challenging conditions, as well.You can go to www.abtchicagoland.com for more information, or feel free to pm me if you have any questions.