This is a much harder thread to reply to than it seems at first.
There are SO many things that bother me about bowling, but I also understand that I am one of those people who dives into everything full force, and I don't tend to understand those who do not.
I guess I will just stick to the one subject that bothers me the most, the fact that the governing body has allowed technological advances to change the sport so drastically from what it was, into what it is now.
Bowling has changed so much in the last 20-25 years, that it barely resembles its former self, and many of the things that made bowling an attractive activity to the masses has been lost in the translation from one form to the other.
Bowling is/was one of those things that "got it right" the first time. It was simple to play, easy to love, yet challenging and hard to "master". While some changes that left bowling's basic form close to the original (changes like lane finishes going from lacquer to urethane, or balls going from rubber to polyester, things that were equally beneficial to ALL participants) were reasonable, allowing changes to the game that totally changed the way it was played, or favored one group over another, should not have been tolerated.