HB, I've already plugged the thumb to reduce the span, and I don't wanna plug and redrill a second time for a new layout, since it'd lose a lot of value. I should mention the pitches and such aren't correct since the "pro" shop here doesn't measure anything. I haven't drilled the PG yet, and I picked up the diesel single drilled, so I'll be able to drill and throw them correctly. Oh yeah, and the layout I have on the thing is one of my favorites....
So basically, I'd rather start off with something new than plug/redrill another time......not to mention I wanted something stronger than the TR anyways. I have to resort playing straight up 5 with slower ball speed with the TR.
Yeah Bob, that's kind of what I was hoping. I've seen BK's triple X, and I liked the looks of it, especially after he's thrown my thing returns.
PS- I'm gonna keep the diesel dull around 6-800, and if I get the XXX, I'll have it polished in case there's overlap. The diesel will be my "control"-heavier oil ball.
My name is not Andy. No, seriously. For real. I'm not just saying that to make you think I'm lying and my name is Andy, cause it really isn't.
Seriously. o_O