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Author Topic: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!  (Read 4816 times)


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think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« on: November 05, 2008, 08:00:37 AM »
July 4th 08 highroller final

2007 STORM July High Roller
Sam's Town Bowling Center - Las Vegas, NV

1. Ed Roberts, Braintree, MA (50 & Over) $20,000
2. Dan Bock, Albert Lea, MN (49 & Under) $12,500
3. Steven J. Smith, San Diego, CA (49 & Under) $11,000
4. Chris Marquez, Whittier, CA (205 & Under) $10,000
<---- won the 205 and under lmao this guy average 220+ in league and they allow him to bowl 205 and under ?
Report to director but they don't give a f*#*

here is his USBC profile
I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.



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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 04:14:59 PM »
Looks pretty suspicious.  Starting with 2004, if he busts out a few good sets, he drops the league to maintain a certain book average.  Get enough people who know him more than just us looking at the stats to report him.  Another user here had luck reporting a similar "performer" to a big money handicap tournament.
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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 04:20:21 PM »
I agree with strider. looks pretty fishy me too.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2008, 04:26:18 PM »

   Looks like a typical sandbagger to me.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 04:39:29 PM »
Thats definately sandbagging. In 03-04 he was 238 for 88 games.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 04:54:07 PM »
In fairnesss to all, I hope that tournament directors will do more thorough background checks.

I am still thinking about entering 1 of the megabucks tournaments sometime soon, just for the experience.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 05:11:00 PM »
Yet another reason why Amateur bowlers shouldn't be bowling for money. Money will always drive people to cheat.

Megabuck tournaments, Amateur tournaments, and Scratch leagues with entering maxs will always be littered with cheaters looking for an advantage.

Take the money away and there will be no reason to cheat.
Jon Brandon
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
"You don't score, until you score......"


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 05:45:00 PM »
JLB, I am starting to understand here now. Your pushing, hoping and praying to end amateur tournaments so that any amateur that does do this to make money gets their card and fills up the regionals. More entries in the regionals potentially means more money there. But it is never going to happen. The amateurs have been succeed as long as you have been alive! I know your right around my age and they have been around since 1982. What were you 3 tops then?? This is going to change. Espically with the PBA pissing off more people.. They aren't helping their own cause. Yet again in the regionals lets hike up amateur fees to bowl!! Smart!
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2008, 06:51:44 PM »

It's really not about making more people want to bowl Regionals or about the PBA pissing people off.

To me it's about the mentality of bowlers and how bowling is seen in the mainstream media.

Golf doesn't allow its Ams to make money. Track and field and Ice Skating stars "turn" pro to make money. College football and baseball players don't "legally" make money.

Ever since 1982 or so, when the Megabuck tournaments came on the scene, the line between Pro and Am has been blurred. Professional Bowling as a whole has declined since that era and I believe it has a lot to do with there no longer being a need to be a Professional to make money and be respected.

Before 1982, how many great bowlers can you name that weren't Professional? Since that time, how many can you name?


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2008, 08:07:16 PM »
I kinda see both sides.  I know a few bowlers that don't want to go pro cause they make more money as an amateur.  But thats kinda the trend these days unfortunately.
Me: "These lanes are tight. I have 2 boards!"
My buddy with front 8: "Me too!"
Me: "Yeah, but yours both have arrows on them, and an arrow in between!"


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 08:52:46 PM »

College football and baseball or even bowlers might not make money. BUT they are given full ride opportunities at some colleges.

Remember football also has the Arena league, a few other leagues where people who don't make the pros can still make money. Baseball has 4 levels to its professional level. Do you really consider someone in single A baseball a true professional?

I can't name very many that weren't professionals, but you better believe there were fields of 200+ out there with how many donators! So someone like Brad Edelman creates a tournament for the player that might not have a chance against the top ranked professionals and gives them the chance to still make money at what they love doing??

Please tell me how many guys on tour actually made a good living out there? $70,000 or more I would consider an ok for a bowler right now. I went to the pba website looked up 38 bowlers.. 16 earned more then that.. The average of those bowlers was $76,000.. Now tell me of all the sports out there, how much is $76,000. That is chump change. A double AA baseball player makes that in a year. Again I don't consider a ball player really a pro ball player until they are in AAA. So please tell me where the problem is?!

I already told you my thoughts on it. It is the PBA itself. Try to give exemptions was great, but limiting fields is crazy. Why limit the amount of people that can compete for that title each week? You are holding back so much potential to give out so much more money! Seriously do you not see that as a problem Jon?

George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2008, 08:55:29 PM »
Hey oddd..

Now the tournaments are 215 and under. How bad do you think that division is going to be now? But I give the mega bucks credit for trying new things to attract new bowlers. They might be sand baggers, but that is going to be in this game! With a game that has 2 Million+ in it, you are going to have some that try and take advantage of the system. What can you do?!
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 09:44:10 PM »
Each tournament will send you a tax form at the beginning of the year just like an employeer would
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 12:16:12 PM »

In baseball, if someone is in single A, double A or Triple A, they are still considered Professional, not big leaguers, but still Professional. Maybe Semi-Pro is a better term to use.

Many bowlers have received full rides to schools via bowling scholarships that they earned while bowling in juniors. The point is that if bowling were a full NCAA sport, then any bowler who bowls for ANY kind of money would forfeit their scholarship by messing with their AMATEUR status.

Since bowling is only a club sport on the Men's side, then I guess there is a loophole that allows those collegiate bowlers to compete for money.

It's true the PBA has its problems, exempt tour probably being one of them. As far as a PBA player's earnings go, imagine if there were no more megabucks tournaments and all the money that is spent on promoting, organizing and advertising those tournaments was filtered to the Professional side of the game/sport, don't you think the Pros would make more?

More entries isn't the answer to increase the PBA's prize funds since the more bowlers they have means more bowlers getting paid (assuming a 1 in 4 payout ratio). The answer to higher prize funds is sponsors, advertising and promotion.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2008, 12:28:50 PM »
Im not sticking up for this guy, I dont even know him, but what if he had an injury that has caused him to change his game and that is what he is?  Something medical could of cause him to change also.  He could of capture glory for that one time for that tournament, and struck gold.  

But yes, this does cause for concern whether this guy is cheating or not.  I even noticed that his honor scores drizzled away.  He has also been bouncing from house to house and who knows the conditions of these lanes, although I would agree if you are a 220+ avg. bowler, you should be able to adjust to most condtions and still average 200+, unless it is just a crap shoot.

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