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Author Topic: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!  (Read 4815 times)


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think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« on: November 05, 2008, 08:00:37 AM »
July 4th 08 highroller final

2007 STORM July High Roller
Sam's Town Bowling Center - Las Vegas, NV

1. Ed Roberts, Braintree, MA (50 & Over) $20,000
2. Dan Bock, Albert Lea, MN (49 & Under) $12,500
3. Steven J. Smith, San Diego, CA (49 & Under) $11,000
4. Chris Marquez, Whittier, CA (205 & Under) $10,000
<---- won the 205 and under lmao this guy average 220+ in league and they allow him to bowl 205 and under ?
Report to director but they don't give a f*#*

here is his USBC profile
I like bowling because it give me 3 holes of fun.



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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2008, 12:58:39 PM »
Very well possible, considering the flucuations of his average.
Does it really matter?


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2008, 01:47:10 PM »
That guy looks like a 200 bowler that had a good year or two.  Many of his high averages were low game counts, which means he simply got hot when he subbed.

(2005-6) 227 in 4 games, 214 in 6 games
(2004-5) 237 in 18 games, 235 in 3 games, he also averaged 180 in 75 games this same year

I am not saying that this guy is not sandbagging, but it does not seem that suspicious to me.  Personally, it looks like he peaked a few years ago and is back on the decline.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2008, 02:23:27 PM »

So hypothetically the High Roller, TAT, and Mini Eliminator disappeared. Do you really think all the sponsors for the tournaments (Storm, Ebonite, Columbia, Etonic, Dexter, Vise, Turbo, Verve Energy Drink, etc..) would then funnel all that money into the PBA tour??

Please tell me you don't say yes to that. They all see that it is a dying breed there and that they don't see any new names! When you sponsor a mega buck chances are there is at least 15% of the entries are new faces.. AT LEAST it might be more like 25%.

Really what is the idea behind a sponsor. They put money so that they can get money back, both sides. Ok so Storm gives the High Roller $20,000 lets say, in turn the high roller puts it in the prize fund or mailing, advertisement etc... But the sales and the fact that their sales reps are on hand all day everyday to try and sell each bowler a bowling ball is where they make it back!

How does that work for the PBA tour? If you really think that somewhere between 15-25% of the people that watch a telecast go out and buy a ball they saw on tv because their favorite pro was throwing it, your crazy! Numbers have shown that doesn't work!
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2008, 03:08:10 PM »

All of those sponsors you listed are already sponsors of the PBA, and yes I believe that they should focus all of their attention on the Professional side of the game/sport because that is the part of bowling that gets on Television. The professional side

I'm sure the ball companies would love to not have to GIVE bowling balls away at the Megabuck tournaments just to lure bowlers in. About 80% of the bowlers at Megabuck tourneys(including a majority of those "new" faces you mentioned) should be spending their money on professional coaching instead of a "chance" at making money.

You see how the current culture of bowling has taught bowlers to look for a "chance" at making money instead of looking for a way to improve their game?

Why is it that golfers spend millions of dollars a year on lessons? To get better or to make money? Odds are a majority are looking to just get better. Money is not the issue in golf. A VERY small percentage of people become good enough to be considered professional.

Bowling on the other hand has taught people to look for an advantage, to perform beneath your ability and you will be rewarded. Being a professional SHOULD be the ultimate goal, instead it's considered a hindrance to making money and that's sad.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2008, 03:28:39 PM »
I know this is a two person conversation but I don't think you can compare serious bowlers and golfers. Bowling has always been a blue collar sport and golf is a white collar sport. I know there are exceptions but the majority of bowlers are still blue collar workers.

Golf lessons can be expensive. Just playing golf can get really expensive. Blue collar workers are weekend worriers looking for an outlet and some competition. Most can't afford to play golf regularly but they can afford to bowl. Most aren't trying to feed there families from winning a Mega Buck event but the chance at competing and maybe making there money back is all they want. You can't do that in golf. Most would not enter a tournament if they had to bowl against Walter Ray or Pete Weber so getting rid of the Mega Bucks would not help the PBA in my opinion.
Deven Walls

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Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2008, 04:04:15 PM »
I welcome any and all opinions, I'm not close-minded about the topic.

I believe by the statements you just made, you're helping prove my point about the mentality of bowlers.

Most can't afford to play golf regularly but they can afford to bowl. Most aren't trying to feed there families from winning a Mega Buck event but the chance at competing and maybe making there money back is all they want. You can't do that in golf.

The fact is that getting professional bowling instruction is MUCH CHEAPER than golf. Yet people would rather waste their money on a "chance" to maybe get their money back instead of getting better to enjoy the game more. Golfers seem to get don't NEED to make money to enjoy the game.

Most would not enter a tournament if they had to bowl against Walter Ray or Pete Weber so getting rid of the Mega Bucks would not help the PBA in my opinion.

How many golfers would love to get the chance to play against Tiger or any other top pro? Why do bowlers shy away from a challenge? Why are bowlers always looking for the easiest competition instead of challenging themselves.

Having money available in the amateur ranks trains people to not be the best they can be. It trains people to cheat. It trains people to avoid challenges.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2008, 04:52:37 PM »
I welcome any and all opinions, I'm not close-minded about the topic.

I believe by the statements you just made, you're helping prove my point about the mentality of bowlers.

Most can't afford to play golf regularly but they can afford to bowl. Most aren't trying to feed there families from winning a Mega Buck event but the chance at competing and maybe making there money back is all they want. You can't do that in golf.

The fact is that getting professional bowling instruction is MUCH CHEAPER than golf. Yet people would rather waste their money on a "chance" to maybe get their money back instead of getting better to enjoy the game more. Golfers seem to get don't NEED to make money to enjoy the game.

Most would not enter a tournament if they had to bowl against Walter Ray or Pete Weber so getting rid of the Mega Bucks would not help the PBA in my opinion.

How many golfers would love to get the chance to play against Tiger or any other top pro? Why do bowlers shy away from a challenge? Why are bowlers always looking for the easiest competition instead of challenging themselves.

Having money available in the amateur ranks trains people to not be the best they can be. It trains people to cheat. It trains people to avoid challenges.

I think the money issue makes a point for both sides but you will never get everyone on one side.

The income of bowlers allows them to go out once or twice a week at $25 average a night and have a good time or get a little competition. A round of golf will cost you $70. Golf lessons are also about 3 times the amount of bowling lessons. I don't know this figure for sure but I bet if you take the avid golfer and the avid bowler the income difference would be at least 3 times the income. Outside expenses are not any different for these groups so the golfer can afford to throw a little more money around for lessons.

What I am getting at is I don't think it is the mind set of bowlers that gets in the way of them trying to get better but the economics of bowlers.

I really think handicap is what breeds greed in bowling. Leagues should have a team handicap but not individual handicap. Mega Buck events should have 2 Age groups but no 205 or 215 and under division. Get rid of the individual handicap and the sandbagging goes away. I may be over simplifying this but I can only speak from experience.
Deven Walls

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Lord Field/Lane Masters and
"Changing Bowling, One Bowler At A Time"


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2008, 05:42:09 PM »

It all stems from the highest point in any sport! Why do people not want to bowl for a living. There is no money involved in it. That comes from the PBA tour. There has never been a good amount of money in the game of bowling! So why have kids grow up and want to be bowlers, why not convince them golf, baseball, football are better for them.

There are thousands of ball players surviving and making a living in baseball, football, etc.. In bowling there are maybe 50-100.

Why take the money to get so called professional lessons, which by the way find me 2 coaches that agree on the same thing! But why take the money and invest into getting at your best to go compete against the best and HOPE and PRAY to make a decent living at it. WHY do that?!!

Golfers can become exempt for every tournament. Go out and suck every round and still walk away with $40,000. Bowling you get $1,800.. Please tell me why would someone want to be a part of the PBA tour??

Anyone else that feels free to get involved please do so.. Maybe you can make me or JLB see things a different way. But I understand the way things are going now isn't good, but doing away with Mega Bucks isn't the answer either!

The other problem with bowling is there is never any cooperation among houses and tournaments. All want to run against each other and not with the each other for the benefit of the bowlers. This sport, game, industry is very cut throat on all levels!
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2008, 10:31:38 PM »
Because it takes some real athletic ability to excel in those sports.  Bowling
is just a sport left over for the fat kids. (I understand that all kids who
bowl are not fat--it is just that very few of them could actually participate
in other sports on a very high level)  Don't kill the messenger.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2008, 11:41:05 AM »
Basically you are right, 1 in every however many thousand kids makes it as a baseball player, football player, etc.. In Bowling everyone has a chance to make money and do what they love to do..

Here we will take it a step further. Look at the Olympics and representing your country in tournaments overseas. Tell me in what sport do you have to pay to try and be on your national team?! Anyone.. Ohhh yes BOWLING!!

Baseball, Hockey, Ice Skating, Curling, Gymnastics, Water Polo, Track and Field, the list goes on and on and on.. But you don't have to pay to try out for your team and represent them! But bowling you have to travel to a city, room for a week, pay $300 to bowl, and also be one in the top 3 in that tournament! Just another thing that is wrong with bowling as a whole
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2008, 11:59:45 AM »

This is why we now have the Bowling Dream Teams as they are being called in our sport. Mr. Dornberger is strongly trying to get our sport into the olympics. Next year there is another sport maybe a few more sports being added to the next summer olympics. He is trying to get bowling on the ballot to be considered. The only way bowling can be on the ballot is if the best are eligible for the team, hence the PBA/former PWBA players are on the team. Not taking anything away from them at all, because they sure do deserve to be on the team. But I wish USBC would just drop the Team USA Trials and just select our teams
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2008, 12:09:56 PM »
In baseball, if someone is in single A, double A or Triple A, they are still considered Professional, not big leaguers, but still Professional. Maybe Semi-Pro is a better term to use.

As someone who played AA, I can tell you that I never considered myself a professional baseball player.  Semantics may say otherwise.  But I also played 13 years of softball following my baseball career.  That baseball career had no bearing on my softball classification.

Is it related bowling and classifications?  Maybe not technically, but there is a parallel.

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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2008, 07:21:02 PM »
I am an amateur and would love to bowl against the best. I probably would get killed, but I wouldn't be scared to go up against them. I have always wanted to bowl a National event and some of the Megabuck tournaments, but I do not have the financial backing to do so. Some day I probably will, or at least I hope.


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Re: think of bowling the Highroller ??? Read !!
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2008, 07:38:27 PM »
Bowling has been considered many times for the olympics.  The fundamental
problems are that conditions are too easily manipulated, the best don't
always win, and luck is too big a factor in the outcome.