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Author Topic: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer  (Read 10403 times)


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Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:53:35 PM »
Yup. I am seriously considering it. I have a very low rev rate left handed, and I am reasonably inexperienced with left handed bowling. I may end up sticking with it. What sort of ball should I be looking at getting drilled up? I am thinking I may need all the help I can get at first due to my rev rate, and the left side on my winter league is usually pretty wet on my main league. I am having an easier time throwing my left handed teammates ball than my own right handed stuff, so I think I should get a ball drilled for my left hand



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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2014, 09:25:39 PM »
Start out with an entry level reactive resin ball.  My personal favorite is the Ebonite Cyclone.  --  JohnP

Eddie M

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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 09:43:43 PM »
I am considering doing the same thing.  Have bowled right handed all my life, but hurt my wrist just as the winter season was starting.  Long story short, doctor says 6-8 weeks to heal for normal use, but the injury is chronic and that I should expect to deal with soreness and re-injury for as long as I bowl with it.  So of course my thought is "well I've got another wrist... why not use that one?".  I'm already out for the winter season, why not work on learning left handed over the next 7-8 months, and see if it is worth bowling the summer lefty.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 10:36:12 PM »
Normally I would be all for starting out with a cyclone, but I am heavily speed dominate left handed, and I want one ball for about everything. I am throwing my right handed equipment right now with some success in practice games. I would say I am averaging 120's throwing an outlaw and primal rage. My scores are higher with my left handed friends sanded first blood, so I am looking for something around that strength. I guess I should specify what I meant with the original question: should I get a solid, hybrid, pearl, matte finish, polished finish, ball motion shape, etc. I know the lanes don't break down as fast on the left side generally, which is why I ask.

Eddie M, I have been fighting my right forearm for the past year or so, which is partially why I am wanting to take the summer off, but I can't stand the idea of not bowling. Besides, I see it as a challenge to average higher than certain people with both hands  8)

Eddie M

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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2014, 07:53:24 AM »
So I bowled for the first time in 7 weeks.  The wrist felt good going in, but after just a few shots it was already hurting again.  I bowled a set, just to see how well it would hold up.  Results weren't great.  By the time I got home, it was painful just turning the key to unlock the front door.  As I type this 2 days later, I still only have about 50% rotation in the wrist.  I am definitely not bowling right handed again for the rest of the season. 

Going to see about getting something drilled up lefty.  I don't get a lot of speed left hand (~13 mph), so something weak and easy to control.  And a cheap lefty shoe.  Going to be interesting to see what I can do left handed, as I haven't tried doing it in years.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2014, 08:31:59 AM »
Sorry to hear about your arm, mate :( I throw the ball a little slower left handed with rotation that is better for hooking the ball. I kind of think I could end up being a better left handed bowler than a right handed bowler with a little practice.  I am a 190's bowler right handed, and most of my left handed games are already between 130 and 150 without a lot of practice. Threw a 184 for my only left handed game Sunday night using a friends sanded first blood. You will be surprised by how well you can bowl left handed just because you have have the knowledge from bowling right handed


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2014, 09:23:37 AM »
Ha ha ha ha ha hhhheeeeee heeeeee!

You might be the one!

1 out of 6 I see try it average over 150.   1 in 8 average over 160

The strikes are easy!


PS there is Robert Lawrence.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 09:59:12 AM »
I am naturally ambidextrous. When I first started bowling as a kid, I threw my first ball left handed and picked up my spares right handed. The only reason I started bowling right handed was because my dad was right handed and he gave me one of his balls to throw and told me to pick a hand lol


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 01:45:02 PM »
Good Lucky!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2014, 06:10:21 PM »
In a non-bowling-related accident, I tore my right Labrum in two places and tore my rotator cuff.

So as of June 15, I am no longer a right-handed bowler.

LuckyLefty is correct. The strikes are easy. Relatively. I have had several games above 200 (one 268) in league play. But I have had more 110s and 120s.

The issue is spares, particularly anything right of the head pin. I can make anything on the left side of the lane because I can throw my spare ball straight at it. But I have no feel at all for anything on the right.

I have tried throwing my spare ball across the lane and I have tried hooking the ball into spares.

It's frustrating because I have been leaving a lot of 10-pins and I just have no shot at them. It's like they are on a different planet.

Any advice?

Eddie M

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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2014, 06:38:50 PM »
I've had the exact opposite results so far.  I have a good feel for right side spares, but the left side has been a challenge.  Averaging ~135 so far, but still very early in my switch.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2014, 06:57:16 PM »
This is a very interesting, if not painful, topic for me. Glad to see this thread. I have the opposite problem. As a lefty bowling non-stop since age 3, it appears I have peripheral neuropathy and can't lift my right foot. Something happened on a business trip, but who knows what. Neurologist hasn't found it yet, but I'm down for at least 6 months, maybe permanent. It's amazing what small muscles must do to balance a bowling approach.  I tried walking to the line and as soon as my left hand went back and I tried to balance forward, I fell over.
Glad to see some of you think switching hands is a game, but I can't agree. I can't quit bowling, it's been a part of my life for too long. But why the @#$%^ would I want to compete if I can't break 120-140? I just don't see it.
I'm out for the winter, and hope to heck I can make El Paso since will be my 25th year. There's a big difference between a positive attitude and reality, but I have to tell you. Some of you willing to fight thru honestly with an injury are making me rethink trying right handed. Not sure I can walk to the line, but I might  just have to go find out.

Eddie M

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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2014, 08:21:01 PM »
Been bowling for about 35 years, since about 4 years old.  I've had more fun learning to bowl left handed, than I've had bowling in quite a while.  It's amazing how differently you look at the game when starting from scratch.  I am really excited everytime I bowl now... it feels like it did when I was a kid first learning to throw a hook with my AMF Angle back in the day.
Right Handed
Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Freestyle, Storm Mix
avg: 221 - hg: 300 x7

Left Handed
Storm Street Fight, Storm Mix
avg: 180


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2014, 10:52:15 PM »
There are better switchers than I!  Most I believe are ambidextrous, I am far from it!

The bad games, the missed spare days, and the gutters are all part of the lack of coordination.  However, when I get on(usually bowling with really quality lefties near by or on the same pair).  I can really get it going!

As to the right side spares!  Something I am pretty decent on.  I recommend on most league conditions one bowl right near the friction.  Move plenty left and hit near 11 for most right side spares.  If your house is like a lot of top hats you will find a bunch of friction on 9 also!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Thinking about bowling left handed this summer
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2014, 11:22:07 AM »
Thanks for the advice.

I am good at throwing the ball straight, or nearly straight. so to make a 4-pin spare, I just line up my arm with the pin and let it go. Usually i suitcase it, but it does not matter as long as it's online because it won't hook (much). For the 7-pin I move just very slightly right on the lane an open up my stance and the ball drifts ever so slightly left.

I am still right-eye dominant, so if I try to look at the arrows as I walk, I get dizzy and my steps get screwed up. So I am lining myself up on the approach (usually I start "aiming" for 7-8-9 at the arrows) and throwing my strike ball. Usually that finds the pocket and I can adjust as normal from there.

Bowling right handed, I had developed a shot where I would move Right on the lane, Throw my strike ball over 5 or so and the ball would read early and hook just left of the head pin and carry into the 2-4-7 area. Same shot for any spare involving any of those pins.

Left handed I have not been able to do that. Perhaps because the Hy-Road I have been using reads a bit early. When I try this the ball usually falls into the gutter right before it hits the 10-pin.

I am having a second ball re-purposed and re-drilled this week (berserk). So I will talk to my pro about having it drilled to go longer and hook sharper than the Hy-road.

Will let you know how it works out. But I have given up on throwing the spare ball right at pins on the right side of the lane. There is no room for error that way, and I just am not that accurate.

Let's keep this going.