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Author Topic: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!  (Read 2539 times)


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So, the title really says it all. I've been bowling 4 step approach basically all my life (since age 6...12 years total). I'm thinking about going to a 5 step approach even though my timing is fine.

Also, I'm thinking about going up to 15 lbs. I don't know, though. I've tried 15s and they just tire me out and they start to feel heavy after a few games.

I know that there's nobody out there throwing 14s on tour, and I know that 95% of them, if not all, have a 5 step approach.

What are your suggestions?

(I also have 1 more vid with clips of me from early 2007-now, so check that out too, if you’d like to see my ‘progress’)

On a separate note, I think some of my layouts are just duplications. I lay out some of my own stuff, but the pro shop operator tends to make his own little "suggestions" and I end up with a lot of balls being VERY similar. This is my current 12 ball arsenal (yes, they're all ebonite). Tell me what you think. BTW, these are all 14s, and would be tough to recreate this arsenal in 15s, which is also another part of the reason I've hesitated to go to 15s. :/ Really stuck here, as I'm super poor.

Infinite One – (Mass Bias drilled out in thumbhole)
Raid –
NVD – (Mismarked CG)
Smash Time Solid –
Complete NV –
Playmaker –
SR300 –
The One –
Ice –
Bash gold/purple –
Tornado – (X-hole above Bridge)
Maxim –

If I were to go to 15s, what would you suggest I get to replace these efficiently? (meaning, a few used, some easier to find, fewer balls overall, etc…for example: maybe a used Total NV instead of The One because The One is harder to find and more expensive new than a TNV…Maybe not getting the SR300…etc…just your suggestions)
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb''s Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2009, 12:31:48 AM »
What can I say Dan, I just remembered watching the video in your profile.  I like your style.

Rocker, I do agree that your timing is okay at the line, maybe a little late, but the proper time to put the ball in motion is with your first right foot step(with 4 or 5 steps).  Not saying you should do that and be like everyone else, but like Dan said it might eliminate your need to pull the ball in the downswing.


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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2009, 12:41:40 AM »
Yeah, I know that...but I've actually gone to coaches with the specific intention of working on getting the ball started sooner, and they all seem to be just fine with the late start of the ball, as long as my feet/ball are in time at the line, which they all claim it is.

I've always thought about changing it, but if the coaches I see think it's fine, I'm willing to accept that, seeing as how the coaches I see are pretty much first rate.

By the way, I forgot to mention, my dad is a silver certified coach with bowlersmap.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2009, 07:32:47 AM »
Try starting the ball on your first step (4 step approach). Smooths out your swing. Only make one change at a time, that way you can key on it. Changes take time, try this in the off season you'll have lots of time to get comfortable with it. I'd stick with the 14# for now.
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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2009, 12:49:54 AM »
Just out of curiosity, are you guys who are telling me to do more kneebend...are you saying that based on my kneebend in the finishing position, or in the point of release?

I can see you saying that for the end of the video, where I've come up a little, but if you look at the point of release, I have quite a bit of kneebend.

Just asking...maybe you were looking at point of release, maybe you weren't. I just wanted to make sure everyone was seeing the same thing I am, or if I'm just biased because it's me.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2009, 08:20:33 AM »
If your timing is good at 4 steps then why change?  Just because a majority of pro's use a 5 step approach doesn't mean it will work for you.  Parker Bohn III uses a 4 step approach and he's a pretty good bowler!lol  I watched a telecast where Walter Ray Williams used a 4 step approach to slow his ball speed down.

I know a guy in my league that uses a one step approach and is a pretty dam good bowler!

Do what works for you and don't worry about what others do.


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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2009, 10:44:15 AM »
You've got a point.  I went back and looked at your video again, then watched a Norm Duke vs Chris Barnes match.  At the release your knee bend is comparable to theirs, but you "pop up" while they stay more forward and down.  You might want to work on staying down longer, "posting the shot".  --  JohnP


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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2009, 11:40:48 PM »
Don't know if anyone has mentioned it to you, but you seem to have a "hitch" in your third step.  Greatly pronounced heel/toe.  Perhaps more of a shuffle/sliding kind of step may be of some value.


When I was uploading that video, I looked over my shoulder at my dad and said, and I quote.

"WHAT THE HE11 IS THAT!!?!?!??"


"That third step!!!"

"I don't know"

"Look at that ugly jerk! Holy I always do that?"

"Probably, it's in all the video from that day."

"There is no excuse for that crap...unless my ankle was injured that day." (which is entirely possible. I could barely walk earlier in the year, and idk when that vid was taken.)

I need to take new vid, because you're right. It's like I'm jerking my leg up too high. My dad thought maybe I was lifting my foot high quick on purpose because I have big feet and that's my crossover step, so I'm trying not to bump my other foot/the ball. I'm lifting high to get over my other foot/out of the way of the backswing.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2009, 12:15:30 AM »
Yeah, I can vary pretty well, I'm just talking about my basic, normal approach. I usually use 4 (what I'm best at) Go to 5 for more speed sometimes (VERY RARE) and can use 2 or 3 if I have to stand in front of the ball return, depending on how much approach standing in front of it gives me.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2009, 07:38:25 AM »

  I agree with others that state your approach is fine. However I see much more potential in it and would suggest that before you make major changes try to maximize what you do now.

  1. I see lots of little movement in the ball throughout your swing,
  2. Your armswing could be better aligned with your target line,
  3. Your finish position could be stronger
  4. Your release could be improved just to name a few obvious items.

   Simplify, simplify, simplify. Not complicate until there is no other choices.

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Re: Thinking about going to 5 step approach and 15 lb equipment…help!
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2009, 05:08:18 PM »

  I agree with others that state your approach is fine. However I see much more potential in it and would suggest that before you make major changes try to maximize what you do now.

  1. I see lots of little movement in the ball throughout your swing,
  2. Your armswing could be better aligned with your target line,
  3. Your finish position could be stronger
  4. Your release could be improved just to name a few obvious items.

   Simplify, simplify, simplify. Not complicate until there is no other choices.

I don't think any specific improvement is "obvious" at the level of the game that I'm competing at, but that's a different story.

Umm...I'm not sure I understand any of your comments.

1. Yes, the ball moves in my swing. It's supposed to. What kind of "little movements"?
2. My armswing is already in line with my target line...
3. How could I improve my finish position? Earlier, we discussed more knee bend, but I pointed out that at the point of release, I have plenty of knee what is your specific suggestion here.
4. I don't even know where this comment could've come from. I don't pre-turn the ball, I have a nice rev rate, it comes clean off my hand and onto the lane, I'm not spinning the ball...what is wrong with my release?
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

Rob Stone Supporters of America!