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Author Topic: Thinking about trying 2 hand  (Read 2684 times)


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Thinking about trying 2 hand
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:27:40 PM »
Hi everyone:
 I'm considering trying out 2 handed over the course of the summer.  Fall leagues are ending soon, and I am only bowling in one summer league with some family members (aka: no prize/fun league).  Theres a lot of reasons I have convinced myself to try this, but deep down, the real reason is the belief that I have peaked.  I practice a ton, work with a very good coach, upgraded to newer equipment, reworked my grip, yadda yadda yadda.  I still average 200-205 in every league for the last 5 years.  So I am considering trying something new, not just to see if it can take me to another level, but also to bring back some of the fun that has been fading since the realization that I'm not improving any further.  I'm a young guy in my low 20s, no better time to try 2 handed than now.
I know the 2 hand experiment is becoming more popular lately, so my question is out to those that have tried the switch:
1.  What were your experiences?
2.  Any videos I should watch to explain the proper technique better?



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Re: Thinking about trying 2 hand
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2011, 10:58:25 AM »
I agree with this completely... it will be interesting to see if 2 handers can perform at a high level into their 40s/50s like WRW / Voss / Duke...
kidlost2000 wrote on 28/03/2011 10:21 AM:
 I was just trying to see what his response would be. From what I have seen two handed would be a much harder style of bowling that you likely would not be able to maintain later in life. My other point is that more revs doesn't mean higher scores.

Ryan Press - Seismic Staff Member


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Re: Thinking about trying 2 hand
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2011, 03:02:35 PM »
i didnt really read through all of the responses but i will give my insight.  i recently had this conversation with my bowling coach who happens to be a very decorated individual and is highly respected in the bowling world...he said that the amount of torque applied to the spine in this delivery requires you to be in tip top physical shape.  if you are not then i would not recommend it at all.  also, i think you have to ask yourself what you are trying to get out of bowling?  i mean a traditional one-handed bowler with good fundamentals can basically bowl for as long as they want and a two-handed bowler has a limited window of opportunity to bowl at a high level.

   i will also give my opinion on you reaching your peak...did you ever think about changing coaches??? if you are legitimately practicing and practicing what is being taught to you then maybe that coach isnt for you. 

   one last thing, some people are more athletic than others and some people catch on and learn faster.  i was once told that the great david ozio was very ungifted athletically but he overcame this by practicing day and night before he got where he did.  good luck and good bowling.


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Re: Thinking about trying 2 hand
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2011, 10:44:32 PM »
To answer the question of did I improve on sport shots, yes I did. I always did rather well on tougher conditions. I bowled on the US Open shot in a qualifyer and avged 184 for 8 games and finsihed 16th out of 50. Sure I could have done a little better but still getting expereince bowling local adult tournys so it was a success in my book. Regardless if you throw with 1 or 2 hands knowing how to adjust and read lanes is what really seperates the good from the great in my opinion. I know so many guys that have great physical games but are as dumb as a brick when it comes to adjustments. I went through numerous clinics and camps with tons of great coach's in the area and the US and I have really learned how to read my ball and adjust off of what it  does and know when to make what change
