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Author Topic: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno  (Read 1086 times)

T Brockette

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Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« on: June 06, 2004, 06:55:18 AM »
I am thinking of completely changing my equipment before
I go to nationals. It may seem foolish and premature but
hear me out. Since I have been back bowling, about 3 years
now, I have considered myself to be a fairly decent bowler.
I have carried pretty consistant averages, 200 + ,  with
games that I consider high, 240 or above, at least once
or twice a week in my 4 leagues that I bowled in.

Here is the problem, right now I couldn't hit a bull in
the a** with a bass fiddle. I am in the slump of all
slumps. There has been a lot going on in my life lately
that I know is causing some of this like, my wife being
transferred and us having to move to a new town, a new
job for me that is just not working out, not knowing
anyone in the new center that we are at and so on.

My confidence level pertaining to bowling is in the
dumper. The reason that I think changing equipment
might help is because mentally I don't think I can do
very well with what I have, and we all know how mental
this game is. Like I said foolish or premature maybe, and
I am not one who endorses quick fix remedies, but at this
point I will try anything. I owe my teammates that much.

If you want to play, train your body.
If you want to win, train your heart.

Edited on 6/6/2004 9:54 PM
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack



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Re: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2004, 10:06:05 PM »
I would recommend taking a couple of lessons.  Why spend $250 to bowl the same as you are now.  Plus, there isn't that much money in the nationals anyway.  It costs more to go to Reno than to prepare for it.

Brian Green

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Re: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2004, 11:52:51 PM »
i'd wait till after to change ur arsinal if at all....  why change to all new stuff and then go away to bowl without really getting to know the new stuff? i'd wait till after so u are throwing stuff u are comfortable with....

also....  lessons would be good too..... after lessons then i would consider a new ball or 2.....
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Re: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2004, 01:08:53 AM »

You cannot buy a good game. A new arsenal to improve your scores is wishful thinking and I think you're old enough to know that.

I'm going in late June. My ball selection is narrowed down to 1)Ebonite Lion, 2)Columbia Aftershock, 3)Morich Labyrinth, 4)Quantum Jade and 5)Dynothane The Thing. I'll only take 4 so one will be dropped.

As you can see they are old balls. I have newer balls too but these are chosen because they are predictable and I get good control with them.

You said yourself you've just going thru an environment change. If I were you I'd just go to the bowling centre and practice the fundamentals and to hell with the scores.

Have fun in Reno.

"Faulty mechanics makes all balls bad."  Bill Hall, BTM Dec. '98


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Re: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2004, 01:20:01 AM »
If you want to do well at nationals, make your spares by going straight at them, and you typically only need a plastic spare ball to do that.  Spares are something you can practice on and use to gain confidence.

Example: I threw at least 5 strikes a game every game at nationals but still only averaged 180 all because I didn't make my spares.  I would have traded every strike I threw for 9 clean games.
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Re: Thinking of changing arsenal before Reno
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2004, 08:17:11 AM »
Hi Tracy,

I just got back from Nats and I'm with JAnderson.  I shot 1701 and missed a dozen or so spares.  I did a samll write up in the Track forum FWIW.  Take something controlled and long, heads and midlane do start to pick up quick if you don't have good ball speed.  Good luck...
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