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Author Topic: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step  (Read 732 times)


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Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« on: May 08, 2004, 04:53:04 PM »
Well it's the summer and i have been thinking about my game, and it's going to be mostly physical work this summer. My first thing on my mind is fixing late timing. I have always naturally had late timing. All caused by dropping the ball too late. I have worked with a few friends and gotten the ball down faster but i could still improve. I'm 6'5 so i have a long(timing wise) arm swing. I have been using 4 step all of my life. from nearly planting to now using a number #3 dexter brake, and a number 6 sole, i have started to slide more, and now want to go to a five step approach.

I have a 215 average on a house shot, and typically around a 190 average on sport patterns of various lengths. I have a medium rev rate(330-350) with higher ball speed about( 27-28km). My goal for the summer is increase my rev rate and get more leverage on the ball at release, and most importantly speed up my timing, and maintain shoulders square at the line.

I have a new laptop and webcam and have been using it as often as possible, to check my progress. Also i speak with coaches on a regular basis checking my progress.

Has anyone made changes(physical game) over a summer period? any advice?

I will be trying out for college bowling teams in august to make that like my final test to see what the best critics in north america think.

Thanks for the read.
I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2004, 09:16:00 AM »
I found a bit more consistancy in my release
with a 5 step. It was a bit odd changing over
but after 10-15 games it was second-hand nature.
Should be a good move just remember to get the ball
moving on the first FULL step. I really only shuffle my
left foot about 1/2 step to start.
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Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2004, 09:20:22 AM »
Changing from 4 to 5 steps could be interesting and hard...or easy. I've seen guys do this and they are comfortable in a couple days and others that end up going back to 4 as they never seem to get comfortable. I myself went from 5 steps to 4 some years ago.

If you're late at the line there are other options. I myself have always been late at the line. Things I used to defeat the problem include:

-Slowing my approach walk speed
-Shortening the first step in my approach
-making sure to keep the ball in tight to my ankle at the bottom of the swing for max leverage.

I'm still late on my bad shots, but slowing my approach has worked well for the most part.


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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2004, 10:06:16 AM »
I attended a Storm Rolling Thunder event with Don Moyer Gold Level Coach and Brenda Norman PWBA yesterday and some of those issues were discussed. My timing was late also and after reviewing the video, I could see that my push away was a fraction late after my 2nd step (5 step). I was finishing on time...just wasn't a great shot. Now I feel like I am making a better shot.

To get the ball down faster, don't push away as far out as you normally do.

I would defintely recommend one of these events...very informative.


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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2004, 07:15:15 PM »
Ok well i went out on the weekend and took my laptop with me for some webcam action. I tried adding the 5th step and it was very awkward. i tried it out for about 5 games, and then after a little bit of frustration. i went back to 4 step and for about a game my timing was faster, and much better. but it seemed to have gone back to it's old method. I am now thinking of maybe trying to add yet another step, a 6th step. I was very unaccustomed to starting on my left foot, and I still had about 2 more feet of approach behind me with 5 steps.

Let you know how it goes after wednesday night.
I am Canadian Dude! GOO BIG FIN!!! MIKA K ALL THE WAY!
Timothy @Juniors Pro-Shops
LaSalle, Quebec-Located inside Pont Mercier Lanes.
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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2004, 09:41:54 AM »
When I first started bowling I had a 5 step delivery which I was talked out of for some reason at an early age and I have been a 4 step ever since.  I do find that with a 4 step I had a tendancy to be behind slightly with the push away, but over the years I have addapted a method of a slight rocking motion to start off with.  Essentially, it's a 4 step with a push to get yourself started.
-Chris : DJ's Pro Shop Auburn, MA


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Re: Thinking of going to 5 from 4 step
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2004, 09:46:57 AM »
I was thinking about changing because my last step is alot larger then my others, it not so large that you notice it but its pretty big, I though going to a 5 step may get my timing better, althought its good at the moment.
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