Just finished a book called " the inner game of golf" by Tim Gallaway
It says pretty much what youve said. Dont keep thinking of getting into certain positions, with your hand in this way at release etc. It just says "feel" what your swing wants to do. "feel" when it goes inside, "feel" when it goes outside and notice the difference. Dont try to force it into doing something it "should" be doing. Your self-conscious knows how everything works, and you just get in the way "trying " to get it to do what you think it should do.
All I do now is pick my mark, make sure that I "feel" like I am pushing through straight towards that mark and let my self-conscious mind do what it "knows" is correct. and quess what it seems to work. If I "feel" like Im inside or outside then my self-conscious usually sorts that out for me without thinking about making the change.
I know I was bowling like this when I was bowling well, but when I wanted to improve my swing, I thought I should try something different and thats when I started to find (or make problems)in my swing, and this feels so much better now.
Mumzie, I know like me that you like reading about the game and I can definatly say that you'd enjoy this book, if you havnt already read it.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck

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