Believe me, as a shop operator, I get extremely tired of the "Which ball hooks more on the back end?"
With this quote I can now understand why I will never come into your shop. If I have a question about a ball I expect an answer, not someone who thinks my question is dumb because everyone else asks the samething.
While I respect your opinion and that is your decision, understand that your statement is putting words in my mouth. I'm not saying the question is dumb. It's a legitamite question. I just get tired of hearing it 30 times a day 5 days a week.. Which is why I encourage my customers to do there research before they come in and buy a ball. Understand all the makings of what makes the balls do what you are looking for. That way you get what you are looking for instead of just a "hot ball of the month". My job is not to sell you A ball but the RIGHT ball.
I'm more than willing to go as in depth as people can understand, helping them find PAP, Tilt, Rotation, base layout, what effects certain layouts and balls can have with the style of bowler and numbers that are presented. It makes my job easier and is more accurate than "drill me up something that goes long and hooks hard." Well, almost every ball does that depending on your style. So thats a blanket statement.
To the OP, understand as well, I'm not trying to be anal. It's hard to get excited for releases when they come out 10-15 per month and each one hooks more then the last or it back ends more than the last. As far as Hammer goes, I think they have just accepted that this is what people want and rarely does the avg Joe Blow run into the 48 ft flat pattern (figuratively speaking). Most of there balls that are for oil will be serviceable on that pattern but not without surface and aggressive layout.