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Author Topic: This is getting on my nerves!!!  (Read 800 times)


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This is getting on my nerves!!!
« on: January 25, 2004, 07:36:37 AM »
I went ot practice today and had some difficulty that I have been having a lot lately, and something new.

The first thing is that every time I throw the ball it will wither skid, skid, skid and hook 3 boards, or will hook too soon and hit the head pin. I have seem to be having a lot of trouble lately with this. This has just knd of happened all of a sudden, and the shot doesn't seem to matter.

The other thing I seem to be having trouble with today is f'in splits. Whenever I hit the damn pocket, I would leave a split like 90percent of the time. I dont know what the hell was with today, but the shot I was bowling on was very easy and all I could shoot was a 157

PS: What the heck is a wall!
No, not male storm...

44 Near my average and my number of balls...



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Re: This is getting on my nerves!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2004, 05:36:17 AM »
I'd also guess it a combination of your timing being off and one of consistency. Make sure you are putting your thumb and fingers in the ball the same way, holding the ball at the same height and doing all the other pieces of the puzzle that is your delivery the same way all the time. One they are all the same it should not be hard to get a feel for your timing, IF you knew when it was proper prior to the problem.

This is one of the things we should do but we rarely do:
When everything is going right, think about all the steps and know what  they are and how they interact with one another. Know what happens and in what order it happens. Recognize how everything feels when it feels right. If you don't know that, you don't know what went wrong. Having a knowledgable person or coach watch you couldn't hurt either. So when something is wrong that you don't see, maybe they can. Friends are often not good for this, unless they have some degree of knowledge or are good at details.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"No good deed goes unpunished."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: This is getting on my nerves!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2004, 05:44:28 PM »
Yay! Thanks guys, I have not had a lesson from my coach in quite some time now, but one should be coming up soon. He seems to be very good at recognising problems with, well, about everything.

Timing does seem to be a frequent problem that I have, it kinda goes on and off. It did feel slighly funny that day, but never really payed mcuh attention to it. It didn't feel like it was off enough to really hurt me, but I guess it was in the long run.

And consistency seems to be an even worse problem, I am not good at repeating and just consistency in general from day to day.

Like you mentioned, having a friend or person who is knolegable about bowling would be a good thing to have, but is harder to find because I am the first person in my family EVER to bowl. And the houses I usually go to do not seem to have those kind of people, and the people I use to know have kind of disappered.
No, not male storm...

44 Near my average and my number of balls...