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Author Topic: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?  (Read 1486 times)


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What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« on: January 19, 2004, 11:03:03 PM »
What would you do?

My son and my hubby bowl with me on a just for fun Monday night league. It was set up by a local radio station, and is really just a beer/beginner league.
There are two sessions this year - both 12 weeks long.
We bowled the first 12 weeks, and really enjoyed all the folks - EXCEPT for one specific team.

This team has two women on it who really know how to put away the beer. They are loud, foul-mouthed, with no bowling etiquette except poor etiquette. They are constantly yelling and making noise (no, not just when their teammates are bowling, but ALL the time), walking up on others, walking back from a shot in front of others on other lanes, etc, etc, etc.

One of these "ladies" even was drunk enough one night to get into her car, start it up, and back out of a parking place while her daughter was still getting in - she ran over her daughter's foot and broke it, and BRAGGED about it the following week.

Any way - to make a longer story at least a reasonable length
this league uses a screwy schedule, where all the odd numbered teams move right each week, and the even numbered teams move left each week. Last night was the second week, so they just published the schedule for three weeks. Yep. You guessed it. Our team has been stuck in the position of being next to the obnoxious team every week. I spoke to the league coordinator about it, and asked if there was anything she could do about it - I had spoken to her last session about trying to get these ladies under control, but I guess she did nothing. Anyway - I was told last night that it was too bad, nothing she would do about it.

My hubby bowls in severe pain every week, but usually has a good enough time to warrant staying in the league. However, last night he was walked up on several times, and the process of stopping in the middle of his approach is excruciating.

We've decided to pull the team from the league. Shouldn't be too much of a hardship - they've already got an uneven number of teams. Yes, I know I'm technically breaking a committment, but with the combination of the unacceptable, unsafe behavior and the house's attitude, I feel that they already broke a committment. I don't like doing it, but in this case, I certainly don't want to spend money for this, and my family has said that they don't either.
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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2004, 02:16:43 PM »
I'd bail.  Regardless of whether the league is ABC-sanctioned or not, apply ABC Rule #114a and don't look back!  Life's too short to stay in a league you can't stand to be in.


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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2004, 02:28:25 PM »
I'd probably do the same thing.  it appears with the way they are scheduling, you would almost never be away from them.  Besided you can always say you decided that in the interest of keeping things even you withdraw  You're just being nice and accomodating the league
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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2004, 02:30:52 PM »
Tell the powers that be that they need to choose. You go, or the loudmouth slobs go. Then stick to your guns. You could always call the police just before they leave. One DUI and no more driving to bowl.


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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2004, 02:39:49 PM »
I think Mumzie was just asking for a different rotation format so that NO team would have to bowl next to this group every week.  Share the pain... sounded fair.  Does anyone here bowl next to the same team every week?  I don't in any of my leagues.  Pulling out is unfortunate, but if the PTB don't want to do anything to help, little choice is left.  Unless, you can get other teams to join you in a formal complain.  Power in numbers.


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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2004, 03:16:15 PM »
1. This team has been spoken to before. We've done it, several other teams have done it. The league is 25 teams, so if you're not next to them, you might not even know they're there.

2. I wasn't necessarily asking what I should do - I was asking what you all would do - thinking that maybe there was an avenue I might have missed.

Also - I was thinking about this at lunch - would the house rather have the people who spend a bunch of money in the bar, or someone who orders cokes and waters? Gee - guess I know where we fall...
3. Mojo - off topic - hubby has a severely arthritic hip, which makes it painful to bowl - but it isn't going to go away any time soon. He's on the board for a hip replacement, but he has to lose a bunch of weight before he can have the surgery. Bowling is one of the few activities he can enjoy in spite of the pain, and having a league to go to MAKES him get out of his chair.

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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 03:21:44 PM »
Slip some sedatives in there beers that way they will calm down and be more tolerable.

Since you already left the league, maybe if you would have stayed you could have started a petition and get everyone else in the league to sign it and then take that to someone higher and get them thrown out of the league.


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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2004, 03:43:00 PM »
dear that the price you pay for getting in a league of that nature it shouldnt be but that iw where this fine sport has resorted to.  My suggestion is move to a more respectable league and not one that is highly advertized on the radio which will bring every tom dick and harriet in your case frome the dregs of the earth to bowl.


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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2004, 03:43:54 PM »
One more thing - we haven't actually left the league. My family left that to me to call the center manager today. I haven't done it yet...

But I agree with serice. A different schedule, that would mix it up a bunch, would help a lot. That way everyone can share the pain.

Oh - I forgot to mention - one of the "ladies" works at a local concert/basketball venue. She often gets free tickets for the radio station that puts on the league to give away. Therefore, I'm sure they would not allow the rest of the league to ask them to leave... Sigh.
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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2004, 03:56:40 PM »
I'd offer to give em a ride to the alley's.

After there really toasted I'd ask em to get in car and start backin out and run over there foot just as they first moved to get in and then I'd laugh and laugh and laugh and say,

"Isn't that funny, just like what happened with your daughter, ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Doesn't this just kill you when it happens!".

Oh damn if it weren't for insurance rates!


PS.Another favorite thing of mine is to drink with people like this and "Help" them to the bathroom once pasted.  Then as you're escorting them(yes just sip), accidentally fall and push their head in to the plasterboard near bathroom.
Of course it's an accident!
PPS On the bowling front if people walk up on me and It's not a serious league I'll walk right up with them EVERY time!  And then sometimes balk!
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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2004, 05:23:16 PM »
If they so drunk that they have no regards for others(running over her daughter's foot), imagine what she is like on the roads. One way to knock some sense into her is to notify the police of her car as she leaves the center. Just get the tag number and call her in. Maybe after couple of dui's they will sober up. Or if not, they will lose their license and not be able to drive to the lanes anyway. win/win situation.
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Re: What would you do with an uncomfortable situation?
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2004, 06:14:02 PM »
Well, I just got off the phone with the center manager.

She came up with what MIGHT have been a solution, but the schedule still didn't work out.

There are an odd number of teams in the league, so she was going to switch team numbers with ours and the vacant team number. Unfortunately, and completely coincidentally, I'm sure, with the new team number, we'd still be next to or bowling against the same team 7 out of the next 8 weeks. We didn't go any further. She tried... I withdrew our team officially.

Thanks for the feedback.

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