Allow me to preface my comments by saying that I'm not a qualified coach.
From the looks of things, you're pretty fundamentally sound and likely already a good bowler, definitely a cut about the typical house hack. Are you working with a coach? The "kick thing" seems to be a simple balance issue and probably easily fixed. To me, its possibly related to the motion of your head and/or non-bowling arm. Your head is nice and "quiet" throughout your delivery and follows a great slowly-lower-to-the-finish-position. However, your head sometimes "pops up" at the line and sometimes more than others. Compare the first shot in the video to the second, watching the head, arm, and leg. You definitely "pop up" on the second shot. If you watch the motion of your non-bowling arm, you'll see it jerk at the same time your head pops up. Your "kick thing" looks to occur at about the same time and might be a result of the head motion, arm motion, or both. A coach will better be able to help you determine which is causing which (if either).
What I can tell you is that being consistently, solid and balanced at the line is critically important to elevating your game to the highest levels. Watch pros like Brian Voss or Tommy Jones, and they are like a rock at the line. Throwing the ball from the same solid base allows you to increase your revs and repeat your revs consistently. It also plays a major role in your angle through your target.
As far as filming non-strikes, I'm glad to see someone finally do this. When showing others how you bowl, you should always include the good and bad. I wish I had a video of myself from the debacle of this past weekend's tournament - it would help my coach help me much more than any video of me crushing the pocket over and over.
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")