I was waiting for this argument to come out...
Please re-read what you just wrote. Are you seriously suggesting that "throwing equipment not meant for the condition" is sandbagging? If so, then isn't EVERY "average" bowler using plastic, urethane, or perhaps even the latest greatest hook-monster sandbagging...IF that ball isn't meant to be thrown on that condition?
Honest to God...PLEASE show me where in the USBC rulebook (or any other rulebook for that matter) it states that you MUST throw ONLY the ball that will work on a given condition. Since some of you seem to imply (over and over) that using the incorrect piece is sandbagging, shouldn't USBC be mandating to each center (based on their lane conditions) EXACTLY which type of ball will score the highest...thereby ensuring that anyone NOT using the piece could be hit with charges for sandbagging?
Is that example extreme? Absolutely. It's also quite ludicrous, much like some of the rants related to this topic. The bottom line is the same...sandbagging is this - intentionally performing less than one's ability.
However, one's ability may very well be different depending on the lane condition being bowled on, the characteristics of the bowling center/lanes, the type of ball being thrown, and the bowling environment.
If someone bowls in a "drinking" league, or simply gets hammered as the night goes on, is this person sandbagging (assuming his scores are actually going down)? Some of you would be inclined to say yes. However, you would be wrong. The person's ability has been affected by the introduction of alcohol, yet he is most likely still performing to the best of his, albeit degraded, ability...therefore he is not sandbagging.
If a bowler owns an arsenal of equipment, is this person sandbagging by deciding to use ANY of the balls in his arsenal? Again, some of you would be inclined to say yes. However, you would be wrong again. The person's ability is not affected by the ball in his hand...his ability to score may be, however his ability is not. If this person bowls to best of his ability, using WHATEVER equipment he chooses, than he is not sandbagging.
If a bowler has a choice of bowling in two centers...he knows that the condition at one is super easy, the other is much harder (for argument sake, let's assume a 10-15 pin difference in average), is he sandbagging if he chooses to bowl in the harder center? Once again, according to some of you, you would say yes. But you would be wrong again. Is the bowler's ability different just because his average is different? Not at all.
If a bowler tends to bowl higher scores on oilier lane patterns, is he sandbagging if he bowls in a league with drier lane patterns? What about the opposite? Some of you would seem to imply that this bowler is sandbagging. Once again...wrong.
Too many of you get caught up in the ability = scoring issue. Ability does NOT equal scoring! Sandbagging is about not performing up to one's ABILITY, not up to the SCORE that other's think that bowler should be getting.
Attempting to pick the 7 or 10 clean in a league game is most likely sandbagging. Merely using plastic, or your most aggressive piece for that matter, when the condition doesn't necessarily call for it, is not sandbagging if you are performing to the best of your ABILITY, regardless of the SCORE.
Edited by EagleHunter on 3/8/2011 at 7:57 AM
Edited by EagleHunter on 3/8/2011 at 7:58 AM