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Author Topic: People astound me  (Read 4545 times)


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People astound me
« on: December 27, 2013, 08:14:10 AM »
Was reading a testimonial about the Tri-Grip somewhere, and I have to say I'm extremely cynical about this kind of stuff, or rather people's responses and comments make my cynical, mostly because the majority of them have no critical thinking skills.  So this guy says that he's got pain in his hand so bad he almost quit bowling for good, but got refit with it.  Says he started out the next night with a ball with his old fit on it, and was in terrible pain, but switched to a Tri-Grip ball for the second and third game, and the pain completely disappeared and he had some big games. 

Now to me, this isn't praise for the Tri-Grip, it's identifying just how horrific his previous fit was.  You can't tell me that if you already have at least a decent fit, which is still leaving you in so much pain that you've considered quitting, that the Tri-Grip is so much better that it would magically cure you or completely fix the problem.  This is saying nothing about the Tri-Grip, I'm sure it's great, but the fact that several people replied to this guy in awe and going bonkers over having to find somebody that does the Tri-Grip now makes me cringe at the mental bankruptcy of the vast majority of the population these days.  Just because something is better than what you had doesn't mean much at all (again, nothing against the Tri-Grip, it's got a track record that speaks for itself, it's the logic or principle of the situation), and again, if you're in so much pain that you feel like you have to quit bowling, no fit, however good it is, will fix that.  This guy had to have had one of the worst fits on the planet. 

And on the other hand, why will bowlers fall hook, line, and sinker for some things, and be so resistant and almost aggressive and vehemently against other things?  Are they just in love with gimmicks and feeling smarter than everybody else?  "Well I have a Tri-Grip fit, all my layouts are dual angles, I even have a few MOtion hole drills."  Yeah, and you also average 170 because you don't know how to actually apply all that stuff, congratulations.  Have people lost the ability to critically examine certain things?  I filter everything I hear and read through several layers of logic, and obviously from some of my posts I may not come to the right conclusions, but I've at least made an attempt and have found an angle to start from.  I don't get it. 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?



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Re: People astound me
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2013, 11:26:42 AM »
FINALLY somebody gets it . .

Ah, I get it now. You got screwed by Physics again, right?  :o  ;D ;D

(Just teasing you Giz!)  8)

And I understand that, but it's extremely frustrating to have everything taken at face value or out of context.  I don't know how I'm supposed to explain something without an example, because people understand best by examples, but what happens in my posts is that people focus on the examples, but not the point.  My posts are all assembled the same.  Here's a story, here's the point of that story, but people still focus on the story instead of the point.  It's like a teacher teaching kids how to do addition.  "Here's an examples, here's 3 apples, now you add 4 apples, and what do you have?"  7.  "Ok, so now you do one, 2 oranges plus 3 oranges equals what?"  7.  "No, that's not right." But you just said the answer was 7.  Not the point of course, focusing too much on the example instead of the point. 

My posts are not passive, they aren't meant to be controversial for the sake of causing drama, I just like getting to the heart of touchy subjects, and that causes it's own drama.  Things frustrate me, and yes I rant, but I also ask several questions and get into debates.  The point is learning.  But what REALLY frustrates me is people overreacting and "attacking" me over something that isn't even the point!  If my conclusion or opinion is wrong, so be it!  I've recanted, retracted, and admitted when I'm wrong, but to get crazy about something that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about really pisses me off. 

The whole point of my OP: And on the other hand, why will bowlers fall hook, line, and sinker for some things, and be so resistant and almost aggressive and vehemently against other things?  Are they just in love with gimmicks and feeling smarter than everybody else?  "Well I have a Tri-Grip fit, all my layouts are dual angles, I even have a few MOtion hole drills."  Yeah, and you also average 170 because you don't know how to actually apply all that stuff, congratulations.  Have people lost the ability to critically examine certain things?  I filter everything I hear and read through several layers of logic, and obviously from some of my posts I may not come to the right conclusions, but I've at least made an attempt and have found an angle to start from.  I don't get it. 

What is being argued about: A post on BBE.  I also kind of view this forum as a safe haven to rant and be honest with a bunch of people that all understand each other.  I guess if I have to tone it down and get mechanical about it I'll just do that. 

Intentions aside, your posts often come across as long winded rants. 


1) Say something semi controversial
2) People call it out
3) You defend your intention
4) People slowly start to understand that intention
5) You come out a winner
6) 1)New post about THS

I don't mind because they are usually interesting topics. But, again, they often come off as elitist - whether you intend them to or not.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?