Sir, IMO bowling is not on it's way out...5 man team league bowling may be on it's way out...
Very hard to fill a 5 man team nowadays...Centers seem to refuse to lower teams to 3 man or 4 man...
And today's younger bowlers do not want to bow 35 weeks...
Centers need to adjust leagues schedules...
Start leagues in Sept. not Aug... And end leagues in March not May...
Today's younger crowd just have too much going on to get tied down for 35 weeks...
As for Borders... Online sales really hurt them...
Online sales hurt just about all retail business's...Not just bowling and books...
Heck the US Post Office is down 50% in first class mail...Cause more and more people are
paying their bills online...
But believe it or not...In the bowling industry, I'm seeing fewer and fewer online balls brought
in for drilling...
Customers are realzing that they are not saving that much anymore...Especially since Ebonite
and Storm started their pricing policies...When they factor in the cost of drilling...
Edited by jls on 7/26/2011 at 1:13 PM