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Author Topic: Thoughs on Owning a Center??  (Read 4562 times)


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Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:41:48 AM »
I am in the final stages of trying to purchase a local bowling center and thought I would come to you good folks for some input on the good and bad of the centers you frequent.  What I’m hoping that you all can provide comments on are below;

-   What do you like that your current center offers to you?
-   What would you like to see that your current doesn’t offer to you?
-   What don’t you like about your current center?
-   If you were the proprietor what's your number 1 priority?
-   Any general comments you’d like to mention?

At this time due to confidentiality agreements I cannot share the name or location of the center.  I can say that it is a well established center that has been in business for many years.  I am now in the process of reviewing with my accountant the cash flow analysis that I created to ensure its accuracy.  In meetings with my banker I am told that I should not have an issue in getting a small business loan to secure this opportunity.  So, given the above I believe I should be submitting a “Letter of Intent” to the owner in the next couple of weeks.

If and when I finalize the deal I will let everybody know the name and location of the center.  For those of you that read and/or reply to the above request (assuming I’m successful), I would be honored if you stopped by to chat about bowling with me and enjoy a couple/three games.

Thanks in advance.....



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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 12:05:12 PM »
The main things bowlers worry about are:

1) Cleanliness - this is the main one because both open bowlers and league bowlers want to be in a clean place.

2) Temperature - make sure your place is cool, ever body remebers if the place was hot.

3) Be Consistant - this includes everything. For example most bowlers will not care what shot you lay out as long as it is consistantly the same. If you have a pro shop make sure he has a set schedule.


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 12:24:38 PM »
-Full service Pro-shop is definitely a plus, not only one who is open when leagues are going on but one who is accurate and does good work.
-Offer regularly oiled lanes (ex: league ends on friday, open bowlers all weekend, re-oil at least once during the weekend even if it is only a few lanes for those bowlers who wish to practice on something other than extreme carrydown with no head oil)
-#1 priority should be repeating customers, buy 9 games get one free?
-League bowlers deserve a consistent fair shot (not a scoring fest by any means but something that is playable from more than your/proprietors desired line
-Junior leagues are just as important as adult leagues, offer instruction to junior bowlers from someone who can help them get better

Bets of Luck, let us know if it all works out


Edited on 4/21/2009 12:25 PM


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 12:33:53 PM »
I would agree with the above replies in addition:

If I were proprietor my number 1 priority would be to sit down with some of your best customers and visit with them about what they liked about the center if they had any ideas or suggestions for you.  Make sure that your machines are in good working order and properly maintained, nothing bothers bowler more than constant breakdowns, they will understand the occasional delay, but they will be very critical if machines are constantly breaking down causing delays every week.

Good luck in your new venture!


Edited on 4/21/2009 12:34 PM


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 12:38:29 PM »
Take care of your employs to b/c if they are happy they will make you happy!


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 12:39:42 PM »
I'd second the cleanliness thing, especially important on Saturday and Sunday mornings after the party crowds have been in the night before. I've bowled in a couple of places before which offered a kind of membership scheme where league bowlers can pay a set monthly fee for unlimited practice.
I'd reiterate the pro shop and junior league set up. Consistent shot, I'd like to see a couple of different patterns for different leagues with a sport shot too, in an ideal world...
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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 12:42:19 PM »
I agree with most of what's been said but I'd add one more thing that's important, to me anyway. Your employees. Those are the ones that league and open bowlers 'think' that's the center. If your employees brush off problems/requests then you'll leave a sour taste in the bowler. If they want to help, be friendly and show they care about any problem or concern that pops up then you'll have a much happier bowler.

IMO an employee is the same as 'curb appeal' when selling/buying a house. They are the ones the bowler deals with. If they have a bad experience, then your center is crap. If they have good or helpful experience then you will have a successful center.

az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2009, 12:48:49 PM »
Take care of the league bowlers. Discounts for league bowlers or free game awards for certain scores/ series.  People like to feel special. and like free stuff.  Open bowling Free game drawing during leagues.. draw lane and bowler number and that person gets a coupon for a free game.  Every free game you give away will more than likely get you 1 or 2 more games of bowling.(who bowls just 1 game) and most of the time they will come with someone else to bowl... and more than likely some sales at the concession stand or restaurant.
Make it fun.

Keep it clean. approaches. settee area.  Not sure how big the place is but keep league bowlers and lanes seperate from open bowlers as much as possible.
Place I bowl at has 40 lanes and they let open bowlers on our lanes right up to the time we start to practice.  They are using plastic on only one lane of the pair.. does wonders for the shot. There are another 20 lanes or so that they could put these people on but they don't. Ticks me off and makes me hate the management and house.

Hire people that bowl and love the sport.  Now adays, Seems like no one that works in a bowling alley is even a bowler. Teach your staff about bowling , bowling etiquette, and the way things are done in a bowling alley.
Once had the counter girl go to get some deadwood.  Walked across 2 pairs of approahes to get to the lane that had the deadwood. During league and while people were on the approach ready to bowl..
Or when I say we need the big 4 set up on lane 10 .. you should know what I mean..
It makes a difference.

16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 215 / 205,PBA Xperience ave180

350 RPM, 17 MPH


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 12:49:57 PM »
Always keep an employee in the back to spot pins and recover the pin-setters / ball return if there is a problem.  My center drives me crazy!  The same guy working the back is often the same guy in the kitchen - Yuk!


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 12:51:13 PM »

2) Temperature - make sure your place is cool, ever body remebers if the place was hot.

Very Good point.  our centers A/C broke last summer in july. they didnt get it fixed for three weeks.  several teams aren't coming back this summer because of it.
Another center i bowl winter leagues in (i refuse to bowl there in the summer, and heres why)  AC system is over 25 years old and apparently uses plain old for the cooling. not any type of freon.
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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2009, 12:57:59 PM »
have fair lineage fee's don't rape the bowlers but don't loose money either our local house is loosing bowlers left and right do to that there charging same lineage fees that a once a year bowler comes in and decides to throw a couple pays. Sponsor a high school team out of your house your association along with share the pot will help absorb the sanction fees, it shows the public and the kids that your trying to help the community and keep the kids out of trouble a little bit and to get them interested in something positive. run at least 1 tournament a year for the association bowlers kinda like a king and queen of the hill something for the bowlers to keeps them coming back. and on either friday or saturday night have cosmic bowl the kids will show up once again making you look good to the community for giving them something to do on a weekend night besides what there gonna do anyway but it looks good and its a nice money maker.


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2009, 01:01:08 PM »
I didn't read everything above, and I know of a number of things that were probably mentioned, but one minor thing that I (for one) appreciate, is putting up a graph of the oil pattern.  I also like some variation in pattern, but if you do that, putting out a graph is probably more important.
"All I want to do is get my check and get drunk."
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(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2009, 01:13:23 PM »
None of the centers I bowl in are league bowler centers anymore. They just cater to the B-day parties, etc.

1. Hire bowlers. Don't just pick random schmucks off the street. Get real bowlers working for you who know what they're doing and who know the customers' needs. It's good to have an employee base that knows the customer base.

2. Cater to your junior bowlers. Your juniors are the future adult league bowlers for your house. Remember that, and cater to them. The best way I've seen this, is during dead hours (usually like a Tuesday, 3-5 pm, right after school), juniors can have unlimited free practice. It gives them one free practice session a week, allows them to get better, and allows them to stay interested. Plus, it keeps them off the streets.

3. Hire a coach, and give him free/cheap lineage when he's giving a lesson. Almost all golf clubs, if not all have a certified pro who can give lessons from beginners to experts. Bowling alleys, however, do not! Get a coach for your center.
JAT Junior Amateur Tour

Robb's Pro Shops: Bakersfield, California

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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2009, 01:38:07 PM »
A good lesson I learned in the bowling business was to teach all employees to treat customers as if they are family. This includes welcoming them into the center and trying to remember names.

Place the priority on leagues and especially the scratch leagues. They bring in many other people including practice. Provide as good of lane conditions 24x7. Many bowlers dont practice if the shot is not the same as it is in league.

Use waitresses to serve bowlers... it takes time and slows down leagues to have bowlers go to the bar or snack bar. Bowlers will tip to avoid this.

Of course, cleanliness especially in the mens bathroom with regular maintenance and checks.

I agree with a proshop with good hours, fair pricing and decent staffing,including training with video capabilities. I would argue the proshop operator should double as the head junior league coach. This way you have the pro shop available saturday mornings in case someone comes in and wants something.

Remember, customers are correct. In the end giving into to reasonable people wins you alot more than standing your ground. Especially to leagues and league members. If you build your clientel correctly, leagues will pay your bills and snack bar, bar and open play will be your profit. Dont depend on open play it is fickel good in peak and bad in peaks. Leagues are depenadable for 36 weeks.

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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2009, 01:54:45 PM »
League bowlers will pay your bills year round, so take care of them. Open play will be the money maker if it's a clean, family-friendly environment.

Another plus is security during the night hours when bowlers, especially women, are going out to their cars, etc. This same guy can probably alleviate break-ins and stolen equipment by just being visible.

If a few hours per night of security is cost prohibitive, then a one-time investment of LOTS of cameras helps. Where I bowl every inch of the property (excluding restrooms) is covered by camera, even the parking lots.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.