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Author Topic: Thoughs on Owning a Center??  (Read 4561 times)


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Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:41:48 AM »
I am in the final stages of trying to purchase a local bowling center and thought I would come to you good folks for some input on the good and bad of the centers you frequent.  What I’m hoping that you all can provide comments on are below;

-   What do you like that your current center offers to you?
-   What would you like to see that your current doesn’t offer to you?
-   What don’t you like about your current center?
-   If you were the proprietor what's your number 1 priority?
-   Any general comments you’d like to mention?

At this time due to confidentiality agreements I cannot share the name or location of the center.  I can say that it is a well established center that has been in business for many years.  I am now in the process of reviewing with my accountant the cash flow analysis that I created to ensure its accuracy.  In meetings with my banker I am told that I should not have an issue in getting a small business loan to secure this opportunity.  So, given the above I believe I should be submitting a “Letter of Intent” to the owner in the next couple of weeks.

If and when I finalize the deal I will let everybody know the name and location of the center.  For those of you that read and/or reply to the above request (assuming I’m successful), I would be honored if you stopped by to chat about bowling with me and enjoy a couple/three games.

Thanks in advance.....



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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2009, 02:19:20 PM »
All of what has been said so far has been good.

The only thing I wish my center would do is have sport shots to practice on during the winter. In the summer my center usually runs a great deal, 5 dollars a person unlimited bowling for 2 hours on the PBA Pattern that will be used for the following nights PBA League, giving bowlers in the league a chance to practice.

But during the winter nothing of the sort happens. Even for a small fee, for example if its 17 dollars an hour, charge 20 dollars for the sport pattern and have a few lanes set aside for it during the week.


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2009, 02:40:13 PM »
I have a big sugestion that i have a problem with at my current center.

Decent Lockers..

Most of the Lockers here in Vegas are a Problme because it is so easy to break into them..

My locker was broken into while legue was going on and my cell phone was stollen..

one of the other houses here Texas Station has realy secure lockers that i like but the non existant oil is crap so we don't bowl there.

I would pay 3 times as much for that yearly locker rental if it was a secure Locker..  also It may even be a consideration to partner with say state farm or someone like that and offer renters insurence if the bowler wants it at a fee ofcourse.  not just the it is your problem if stollen.

In the Bag
NVD 14lb
Gamebreaker 14lb
Playmaker  14lb
Bash Re/Black 14lb
Bam Blue/Black  14lb

Viper R.I.P (Cracked all the way arround ball)
In the Bag
Jigsaw 14lb
Full Swing 14lb
Cherry Vibe 14lb
Backlash  14lb
Bam Blue/Black  14lb


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2009, 02:50:09 PM »
I really like when bowling alleys have a pay $10 or whatever and you can bowl from 9 till closing. Helps the broke college bowlers I agree about the temperature and the shot always being the same. It would be cool if you had some lanes that regularly had harder shots on them for more serious bowlers.


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 02:59:22 PM »
- What do you like that your current center offers to you?  My current center offers very little.  No pro shop, no bar, dirty carpets, spotty inconstent oil patterns, filthy bathrooms.  If it wasn't the closest center to my home and I hadn't bowled in the same league for over 20 years and developed some great friendships, I'd look elsewhere.
- What would you like to see that your current doesn’t offer to you?  See above
- What don’t you like about your current center?  See above
- If you were the proprietor what's your number 1 priority?  Friendly, knowledgable staff, including mechanic, lanesmen, counter help.  Teach them to smile and to provide good customer service.
- Any general comments you’d like to mention?  Specials and discounts.  I've seen centers offer coupon books for reduced lineage.  You pay 10 or 15 for the book and it has 20 coupons you can redeem during the summer for $1.50 a game.

I wish you the best of luck.  It was always a dream of mine to own a center, but circumstances never met with opportunity.  Please keep us posted on the progress.

Regards, Joe


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 04:09:27 PM »

Let me tell you buying a center is an eye opening experience. We have been in the industry for quite a while and I will tell you there is a big difference between the customer and owner sides of the business.  It's the unseen little things that are the pain in the neck. The league and association politics the drama etc.  The little things in maintenance.  The cost of doing business is monstrous.  Getting loans and funding for new capital equipment is difficult.  Have lots of cash and great credit before even thinking of buying a center.



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Mike Austin

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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 05:04:04 PM »
I agree with the above responses.  Nothing worse than dirty bathrooms and snack bar, yuck!

Try and reach David Ozio in Beaumont, TX about his coaching program.  I don't remember all the details.  Hire a good coach, full time.  Fairly low salary, but the coach gets the large majority of money from lessons.  The coach is there pumping bowling/lessons/leagues to open bowlers too, working with the league coordinator to fill up those leagues.

On the selfish side, practice program for PBA and regulars.  My bowl in Houston, let you buy a practice card for $75, but you got about 100 games, usable anytime.  They let PBA members practice free very often, but got them to come in and do Pro Am type stuff with the Juniors and Special Olympics for charity.

If your center is in OKC, I might want dibs on the Pro Shop.  I have references....

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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2009, 09:48:24 AM »

-Junior leagues are just as important as adult leagues, offer instruction to junior bowlers from someone who can help them get better

THIS. +10000000

Junior leagues have diminished a lot since I moved up to adult leagues 12 years ago. Back then it was common to have more than 20 four-member youth teams in one league. Nowadays we're lucky to take up 6 lanes.

One thing I hated the most when bowling youth league was the centers gave the adult leagues & tournaments higher priority. This meant we had to hurry up a lot in order for the following leagues and tournaments to start on time.

I'm a volunteer coach in my son's youth league. Thankfully, the center and parents appreciate us taking the time to teach and improve the bowlers of tomorrow. All we need now is to get more kids involved in bowling.

Edited on 4/22/2009 9:49 AM


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2009, 10:18:52 AM »

Everybody, your responses were incredible and very insightful.   I was shocked at the number of replies as well.  It is obvious that all of you are passionate about the sport we all participate in called bowling.  If you come up with any additional ideas or suggestions let me know via email or by more responses to this message.  I may take the liberty of sending you an email some time down the road asking for more information.  God willing, I could have closer on this endeavor in the next four weeks or so.  
Thank you…..


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2009, 10:34:14 AM »
Make the center feel like home to the regular customers, a place they look forward to.  Employees are the key to this, find good ones and pay them enough to keep them.  The owner and manager should arrange to be present during leagues, not both every night but often enough that the bowlers know who they are and feel comfortable talking to them.  They should each bowl in at least one league.  Don't expect to make a killing owning a center.  The capital outlay is high and the cash flow isn't great.  I suggest finding three or four center owners that will sit down with you and discuss problems/opportunities.  Smash49 would be a good one to start with and if you can get Ron Clifton (Magic Carpet) to find the time I suggest visiting his center and talking to him.  There may be a charge for these folk's time, but it will be well worth it.  --  JohnP


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2009, 11:25:20 AM »
The main things bowlers worry about are:

1) Cleanliness - this is the main one because both open bowlers and league bowlers want to be in a clean place.

2) Temperature - make sure your place is cool, ever body remebers if the place was hot.

3) Be Consistant - this includes everything. For example most bowlers will not care what shot you lay out as long as it is consistantly the same. If you have a pro shop make sure he has a set schedule.

To add to this, BE POLITE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!  I see to many centers where the manager/employees/owner treat the customers like garbage. They don't have to come to your center, so you need to give them every reason to want to come there!  Good luck in your adventure!

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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2009, 01:11:26 AM »
temp control!!!!! can make or break a good/playable shot.


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Re: Thoughs on Owning a Center??
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2009, 12:43:33 PM »
Hire people who are bowlers and who have some personality. Train them well, so they don't walk on the lane when chasing pins, don't walk in the center of the approach after walking in the gutter etc.

There is nothing so important that employees cannot smile and exchange easy banter with customers. We all know customers can be a PITA but successful businesses always have great employees.

Cleanliness, above all, in all aspects of the center.

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<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>