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Author Topic: Thought I would never get a chance to write this.  (Read 4308 times)


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Thought I would never get a chance to write this.
« on: December 30, 2012, 12:09:52 PM »
I just shot my first 800 series at the age of 67. I had almost given up on ever shooting one. It was getting so late in life to do what I could not do in my prime. I have always carried a fair average. Currently 214, but the new equipment changes the lanes so drastically that it is hard for me to be consistent over the whole night. I start out good, say 240 or 250, but it goes downhill from there. The lanes dry up and I am moving left the rest of the night. But on Thursday I got lucky and did not have to move. If there is a best article or book out there to teach this old dude to make the proper adjustments, the way to get it would be appreciated.



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Re: Thought I would never get a chance to write this.
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2012, 02:12:50 PM »
Congrats on your 800 series...from another 67 yr...I understand the part about always getting close but no luck in the end...