I keep track of my bowling scores etc. with Gone Bowlin'. I noticed that the Game1, Game2, Game2 graph shows a drastic drop in score from game 1 to game 2 and on to game 3. Typical was last Tuesday evening in summer league, 236, 212, 180.
Am I correct in assuming that the lanes are transitioning and I am too stupid to recognize what the ball is doing and adjusting (line, target, change ball etc.) to compensate?
Since I am an 'ol phart, perhaps I am getting tired as the set goes on but not THAT tired. I still do physical labor and bowl quite a bit so I cannot believe I get that tired so quickly.
I guess I had better pay more attention to what is going on and not throw the same ball down the same line for three games!!!
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.