Three years ago, I signed up for the Sport Card as soon as I heard about it. But no centers in my area did a sport shot league all that season. So next year I went back to the regular card, only to find out that one center decided to do a sanctioned sport shot league, but it was only during the summer. Those who joined had to pay the Sport Card upgrade. I didn't see the benefit of paying the extra fees just to bowl on sport shots for 12 weeks. My teammate bowled it last summer and said it was a waste of money.
This year, however, that same center decided to do the sport shot league again, but leave it unsanctioned so youths, as well as adults, can bowl. All we'll pay is straight lineage ($11.50/wk) with no prize fund. I thought this was a great idea, so this time I decided to join and will start June 1.
If more centers in my area did sport leagues, and even had a 36-week sport league, then I can justify paying the extra sport sanctions. I guess the sport leagues aren't that popular in my area.