In December 2005, I was in an accident that resulted in shattering my left tibia and breaking my left kneecap. In the two seasons since I have come back from those injuries, I have struggled mightily, in large part due to trying to garner some consistency in my knee bend. Prior to the accident, I bowled with a pretty deep knee bend. Now, I can't seem to consistently put all my weight on my knee in that deep a bend, and I haven't figured out how to adjust to not bending as deep (or at all), to the point that from game to game (or, more often, shot to shot) my posture and position vary greatly. At the end of last season, my leg was tired enough (and I was discouraged enough) that I put my balls away, and haven't touch them since. Instead, I have focused more on strengthening and conditioning in hopes of getting the leg strong enough to bear the load of me bowling another season. Now that the new season is rapidly approaching, I'm going to spend some time out on the lanes to get ready. My question is (supposing I still can't consistently bowl with a significant knee bend)for the guys who have battled knee issues, what kind of adjustments did you make, physically and mentally, and have they worked for you?