Glad it worked out for you, Barry. Believe me, if I can throw 16, you and your muscles can certainly throw it. Just don't push it too hard. It is something to get used to, over time.
I did it at first because I know it helped my timing and my release. After I got comfortable, I found I could throw it faster and harder than my 15s. Timing and comfort are all, not muscles, that is necessary for ball speed.
Scott, the same is true for you. Ball speed is not a muscle thing, although, of course, a certain minimum is required for bowling. A clean thumb release and timing are all that is really necessary. I'm not advocating a move to 16, just some basic bowling logic.
Krakken has the final point: you must be comfortable with what you throw.
However, you must be comfortable for the right reason and you should not be uncomfortable for the wrong reason.
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