I notice that more and more people are putting information in their profiles. This is a good thing. However, if you ask for help with ball reactions or drillings or other such items, often one of the essential pieces of data those who seek to help you require is data about your release.
I'm referring to
1. PAP
2. Ball speed
3. Rev rate
4. Axis tilt
5. Angle of rotation of release.
If you don't know these precisely, try to find out what they are or use estimates.
If you post questions at different times (say once in March, then again in May or October), it's easier to have this info in your profile, rather than to re-post it within your question every time.
Also, if you need to compare a new ball to one you have, it's good to have
the ball, how it's drilled and any surface change from stock in your profile, described in your profile. In this way, if you want some new ball to differ in some way from one of your current balls, the old ball is there and available for a potential helper to see and you don't have to add it to your question all over again.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQ