ddzc, IMHO you better stay behind the ball with your hand when releasing it
With a spinner release you create much skid. The ball might rotate, and it is easy to put revs on a ball this way, but as you witnessed it is quite ineffective, especially on longer oil. On dry lanes, it is a good trick to have in store, but I'd hardly recommend it as a primary "attack". A ball with a low RG and a sanded surface might help create more ball recation, but I'd rather put more effort into a "forward" release where you keep the hand behind the ball, creating a more powerful and controllable roll.
Another option to create some hook out of this is play straight up close to the gutter, where on a THS more friction tends to be encountered. The ball might go long and then curve towards the pocket - it needs dry area to do so, and maybe even reduced speed.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Edited on 1/28/2008 10:22 AM