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Author Topic: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!  (Read 39345 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:21:16 AM »
Hey everyone,

I think a lot of people already know this, but I figured I'd toss out a quick word of warning, just in case some don't. When you put easy slide or, heaven forbid, baby powder on your shoes, it screws the approaches up for EVERYONE!

Last night during league, I noticed during practice that the approach on the left lane was remarkably slick. In talking with the house staff, I learned that an open bowler likes to dump a whole bunch of baby powder on the floor and then step in it before each shot, to increase his slide. Well, despite their best efforts to clean the approaches, the baby powder remained in the wood and made conditions completely terrible.

I had to use a No. 4 sole on the left lane. FYI, I normally can't even practice with the No. 4 because it grabs so hard I just about fly over the line. For me, wearing that sole is damn near the same as wearing a gym shoe. Since this open bowler only bowled on one lane, the other approach was normal, so I literally had to change soles between frames the entire night.

So, I guess my point in all of this is to say, please don't use powder of any kind on your shoes. You may not realize it, but doing so alters the environment for everyone around you. If you're having that much trouble sliding, use a slide sock or change to shoes that give you more. That way, the changes you make only affect you. I thank you for your support in this matter, and I know other bowlers will as well : )
I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345



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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2006, 07:34:51 AM »
What amazes me is no-one has bought up the idea of the slide sock to fix the problem of sticking.  Having experimented with both, the sock gives more slide than Easy Slide does, but not much more.  If you have a problem with sticky approaches the slide sock will fix that without screwing with the approaches themselves.  I hadn't heard of the superglue idea before.  Woud that work on a DynoRoos non slide shoe toecap?  Mine is a little too grippy and I don't clear my non sliding leg as well as I shoud with that toecap.

I am pretty sure it would help, it dries to like a hard plastic and really helps the slide on the slide foot so I think it would help the toe cap, I wear dynoorooz/abs and it helps me with my slide. Just find where it is grabbing at  on your ote cap and put some on there. I have sold the cheaper line of shoes like the circle rios and etc and have had to put super glue on the soles for a few customers so they could actualy slide in them, works very well. I have tried the slide sock befor but my problem is I slide with weight twoards my heel most of the time and thats where I see the most drag\stick problems.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2006, 07:45:53 AM »
I don't use the stuff, but I've never had my slide affected by anyone using it in a normal way.  Maybe if the approaches are already slick and some goober uses some because he's too lazy to take a wire brush to his problem, but that's a stretch.
Telling it like it is.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2006, 10:52:23 PM »
First of all, the rule is not flexible. If you're using EZSlide, you're breaking the rule. Doesn't matter if you think you're "applying it properly" or not.

The question then becomes whether your personal ethic allows you to break a rule and still bowl. That's up for you decide.

It becomes up for me to decide for you when I catch you doing it. I have turned people in for it before -- although, only the ones who just absolutely dumped the stuff everywhere.

People who use it minimally, or people who use ashes, usually know how to do it well enough that it doesn't affect me. Like others have said, though, it must be a mental thing for some of you, because there are many ways to get around ever having to use it -- slide socks, proper wire brush techniques, teflon pads, the slate Dexter sliding sole, etc.

The times I've turned someone in, it's been because they were affecting my approach, or others' approaches. My wife bowls despite herniated discs in her back, and she nearly went arse-over-teakettle on night despite having virtually no slide, because of a woman I used to bowl against who would literally powder her sole every shot to the point she created a cloud of talc around her. Her own team captain couldn't make her stop, so the league stopped her. She got mad, but she complied.

Basically, my view is this: Use it at your own peril. I'm not going to turn you in because I can't beat your score, but if you put EZSlide out there, and it gets on my slide sole and I bust arse because of it, I hope you like forfeits, because you're going to have one.



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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2006, 02:18:10 PM »
Here is the USBC's response to it:

This is in response to your recent attached e-mail.
EZ-Slide can be used on the soles of the shoe as long as it does not get onto the approach and detract from the other player's normal sliding conditions.  If one individual believes that they are not sliding normally, the individual must discontinue use of the product.  This is addressed in Rule 12 as stated below.
Approaches Must Not Be Defaced
Rule 12. The application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the possibility of other players having normal conditions is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to talcum powder, pumice and resin on shoes, and/or soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach. [CAQ #11]
Rule Book 2006-07

Feel free to contact us should you have additional questions regarding this matter by replying to this e-mail.
Michael A. Spridco, Rules Counselor


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2006, 09:04:01 PM »
There are far to many other options for improving one's slide than to risk one's scores and the safety of your fellow bowlers. I use ezslide on my thumb but never on my shoes I would switch soles or use a slide sock. This should become a "MAN LAW".  

Stevie Ray

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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2006, 11:32:19 AM »
Read the rule.  It states no powder on the shoes.  Don't like the rule?  Go find another sport.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2006, 12:22:02 PM »
Read the rule.  It states no powder on the shoes.  Don't like the rule?  Go find another sport.

Just like politics.  Some people continue to hear what they want.  Didn't you read the response from the USBC rules counselor a few posts above?

EZ-Slide can be used on the soles of the shoe as long as it does not get onto the approach and detract from the other player's normal sliding conditions. If one individual believes that they are not sliding normally, the individual must discontinue use of the product. This is addressed in Rule 12 as stated below.

Approaches Must Not Be Defaced

Rule 12. The application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the possibility of other players having normal conditions is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to talcum powder, pumice and resin on shoes, and/or soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach. [CAQ #11]
Rule Book 2006-07

Feel free to contact us should you have additional questions regarding this matter by replying to this e-mail.


Michael A. Spridco, Rules Counselor

Of course, to be spiteful, I'm sure some will complain whether it's affecting them or not.  And, in retaliation, the EZ Slide fans could demand that the approaches be cleaned to their satisfaction and slow every one down for 15 minutes.

The people who are bathing in it need to be stopped, but there is nothing wrong with a very small amount properly applied.  Like others have said, it shouldn't replace buying good shoes, using a wire brush, considering a slide sock, etc., but it should be an option if your slickest sole is still causing you to stick.
Telling it like it is.