Thanks to everyone who replied. I really appreciate it.
The interchangeable thumb does sound like a good idea, but my thumb changes so much over the course of a night, as well as over the course of the season, that I probably would have to have 3 or 4 replaceable thumb inserts … just guessing.
As I implied, my thumb, like several others in this thread, changes an inordinate amount over the course of bowling, whether it be 3 games or 8 games. People who do not know or do not have the same problem, always ask why I "play" with my thumb hole and tape so much. I try to explain that they should be glad they don't have the same problem. Since they don't, they do not understand.
I would estimate that if I tried an interchangeable thumb, I'd need between 3 and 5 different sizes for each ball. Besides the fact that the system is not perfected and every one of the brands breaks in some fashion from time to time, I am not willing to even try one yet. I would suggest that you don't either.
I have looked at the foam tape, and maybe I will give that a try.
I have never liked the feel of white tape. It makes me feel like I am going to hang, and always wind up getting tape residue when fiddling with it.
Like anything worth doing, it takes time and experience to master. You are doing something wrong OR using the wrong tape if you are getting tape residue on your fingers.
I guarantee that. The only time I see residue is when a piece of tape has been in the thumb hole for too long. (FYI I use Master Tape, but have tried Real Bowler's Tape, Storm and Vise-Grip tape for the thumb hole, all with excellent results.)
FYI#2 I used ONLY black tape until one day I ran out and had to borrow someone else's tape and all he used was White. I was amazed: it acted like an/off switch for me. That was about 1995. I have used it exclusively ever since.
White tape is your life line. earn it, use it, love it. It will save your *ss, too many times to count.
As a matter of general principles, your thumb hole must be as large as your thumb will ever swell; that includes some tournaments where bowling starts at 8 AM, when yor body's extremities (hands, fingers, feet, toes) are swollen beyond belief. If you doubt me, when you normally wake up (5 AM, 6 AM 8 AM, whatever) run to your bowlingbag and try to stick your hand in your bowling ball. Bet you $50 you can't!!!
So, unless you're a robot or not human, you need tape (white or black) in the front (and maybe the back) of your thumb hole. It is the thumb adjustment. Everyone swells to a lesser or greater degree. It depends on body chemistry, humidity, weather, phases of the moon, religion, politics, etc
Unless you have another way (Ron Clifton's Magic Carpet, Slick Tape or some other), white tape is your key success.
I have tried an oval drilling before, and didn't like the snug fit of the narrower hole. I felt like the skin on the underside of my thumb would pull on exiting and prevent a clean release. It could certainly be that after so many years of bowling with a round thumb hole, I just need to get used to it. I think that my thumb actually seems to rotate as it exits the thumb hole, and the oval seems to stop me from getting out clean that way.
Unless you're very unusual (5% percentile), most people's thumb is oval. If not when you look at it from the end, then, when it is placed in a thumb hole and you press down to hold the ball firmly, it WILL BE oval.
For most (no, not everyone) people, even a milled thumb hole is wider, left to right than top to bottom (or back to front). You fit the thumb hole left to right, then you adjust it with tape top (back of the thumb) or bottom of thumb hole (front of the thumb).
I would love to be fit by someone who really knows how to fit. I live in Central Virginia and would travel within the state (or perhaps even further) to find someone who really knows his/her stuff. I have been to many coaches over my "career", and most have told me my fit is fine. Of course that isn't the same as hearing it from someone who fits people for a living.
Contrary to what the "standard" fitting guides have suggested, I have a forward pitch in my thumb (1/4") … yet my overall span is close to 4-3/4 and 4-7/8. I recently switched to Bill Hall's "tri-grip", and talked to him over the phone to settle on a span … but that isn't the same as being fit in person. Somedays the fit feels good, but some days it just feels bad. I wish I could describe it better.
Whoa! How did you get a Bill Hall Tri-Grip without getting fit in person?

I understand that a pro shop has to buy Bill's Software and be instructed in its use to fit a person properly with it.
!/4" forawrd is within the parameters of a 4 3/4" - 4 7/8" span. I have a 4 3/4" span and use ZERO reverse with 1/4" left (away from palm) pitch; I am right handed.
Might I suggest you be more open to certain adjustments (like tape, AND different brands of tape, white and black, rough and smooth) and be willing to experiment a little more over a period of time, before deciding on a final course of action.
Good luck.