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Author Topic: Cursing During Men's League  (Read 10417 times)


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Cursing During Men's League
« on: October 08, 2008, 06:55:14 AM »
A special meeting was called befor our Men's League last night. The president stated that there had been complaints about cursing and people being too loud. He went on to say that being loud was o.k., but cursing was not allowed, and that in the future, it should be reported to the sergeant at arms, or the president when it occurs and they will deal with it.

While I do not do a lot of cursing and for the most part, am not loud, I and many like me were blown away by this. Men's league, beer, bowling, being loud, cursing. I thought that is what men's league was all about i.e. having fun. My brother, who is a minister, and I, do not bring our wifes and family on men's night because we expect that loud, drinking or almost drunk, male bowlers to be around that curse, some like sailors, rather frequently.

Should I tape my mouth with duct tape in protest, like one of the guys did, ask that a meeting be called to set vote on a rule regarding use of profanity or just let it go. I would like to know how many men's league have a similar rule that they enforce.


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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2008, 08:44:55 AM »
what do you expect from a mexican? he can curse in spanish and most bowlers won't understand him


You miss the point. Some people curse socially. Not necessarily loud, or boisterous. Who is to say that me saying F____ has any indication of what type of bowler or person I am. There are some d____ good bowlers that curse and self criticize. PW, a prime example.

If you and the guys that bowl with you wanted to try and place yourself on an imaginary higher plane because of your oppressive rule and fines, that's o.k. The fact that you did it makes you no better than the rest of us common folk.

Anything can be taken to the extreme ---- being loud, cursing, abusing equipment. I am not complaining on limiting extreme behavior. But, to say no profane language is, in my opinion, at the other extreme, and just as bad.

One of the suggestions is to call a captain's meeting and get to the root of the problem. Wise, and something I put out from the start as a possible way of addressing this. I just wanted to first get the general feeling from some of you guys about whether this was the norm or not. Clearly, it is not the norm to say no profane language.

Hey CourtJester,
    I am all white thank you. The only spanish I know is on the menu at Taco Bell. But thanks showing the board what a truly bigoted person you are....keep up the good work!



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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2008, 08:51:58 AM »

You miss the point. Some people curse socially. Not necessarily loud, or boisterous. Who is to say that me saying F____ has any indication of what type of bowler or person I am. There are some d____ good bowlers that curse and self criticize. PW, a prime example.

If you and the guys that bowl with you wanted to try and place yourself on an imaginary higher plane because of your oppressive rule and fines, that's o.k. The fact that you did it makes you no better than the rest of us common folk.

Anything can be taken to the extreme ---- being loud, cursing, abusing equipment. I am not complaining on limiting extreme behavior. But, to say no profane language is, in my opinion, at the other extreme, and just as bad.

One of the suggestions is to call a captain's meeting and get to the root of the problem. Wise, and something I put out from the start as a possible way of addressing this. I just wanted to first get the general feeling from some of you guys about whether this was the norm or not. Clearly, it is not the norm to say no profane language.

No CC, it is you who decided to ignore the point.

The point is, would you in all seriousness tell your teammate he was an "F-in moron" for throwing a bad shot? If the answer is yes, then you better get used to bowling in singles leagues or getting the snot kicked out of you regularly. If the answer is no, then you shouldn't say it to yourself either as that is a detriment to your game, but when you win 34 PBA titles like PW, maybe i'll change my mind about that for you ok? So what difference is it if the league votes to put a no cursing rule in? You don't like it, quit the league and find another one. The league is within it's rights to enact and enforce a rule like this. Others have done it and I think you will be surprised to find out just how many leagues do have something like this as part of it's rules.

Bottomline is if you say it loud enough for others to hear you, then you deserve to be fined. Cursing socially is another lame excuse. Do it to yourself if you feel you must, there is no need for others to overhear it. Again you haven't shown where cursing loud enough for others to hear enhances the fun you have while still waiting for that example.



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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2008, 09:16:25 AM »
I guess we all forgot about sportsmanship and just plain thoughtful to others! In bowling you're going to leave 10pins, 7pins, 8pins, and 9pins, deal with it. It's not the end of the world and it happens to every bowler. I'm amazed at our league bowlers that rolls or sometimes throws the ball and leave a 10pin for righties or a 7pin for lefties and blow a gasket on a bad hit, but when they carry the same off-hit, go through the nose and strike, half pocket and strike they don't say anything. It's a sport and things happen that can't be explained, but I've never seen a curse word knock down any more pins for ya! Let's be good sports and enjoy the game for what it is! Just my $.02 worth, Bruce
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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #79 on: October 13, 2008, 12:30:16 PM »
I guess we all forgot about sportsmanship and just plain thoughtful to others! In bowling you're going to leave 10pins, 7pins, 8pins, and 9pins, deal with it. It's not the end of the world and it happens to every bowler. I'm amazed at our league bowlers that rolls or sometimes throws the ball and leave a 10pin for righties or a 7pin for lefties and blow a gasket on a bad hit, but when they carry the same off-hit, go through the nose and strike, half pocket and strike they don't say anything. It's a sport and things happen that can't be explained, but I've never seen a curse word knock down any more pins for ya! Let's be good sports and enjoy the game for what it is! Just my $.02 worth, Bruce
"Train a child up in the way he should go and when he is old he will "BOWL TO WIN" and not turn from it."

Well said.



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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2008, 08:33:13 PM »
Whether or not the league or the house has rules on this is a fuzzy line, but in all technicality, they are taking away your rights to freedom of speech.

Not quite... I have the right to say whatever I want (within reason). I also MUST have the acceptance of any consequences I suffer for saying anything I want.

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Re: Cursing During Men's League
« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2008, 12:15:47 PM »
I've always saved my curses for golf.