As I mentioned in a post the other day, I've just started practicing again after an extended time off from bowling. I was practicing last night and had something come up I've never experienced--my thumb was releasing the ball but the top of my thumb hole would not let go of my thumb. My hands seemed to be dry. I had some wiggle in my thumbhole so I tried snugging it up with some tape, I tried less tape, I tried no tape, I tried my bigger thumb insert, no good, so at that point I was very confident it wasn't a thumb swelling issue. I went and cleaned my hands really well and cleaned out the thumb holes with alcohol, still nothing. My best guess is that it's from the change in weather (it was getting ready to rain) and the center was really warm. The only other thing I could think to do is put tape on my thumb, but I'm currently out. What would you guys have done, and do you agree it was probably an environmental issue or did I miss something? It was...embarassing to say the least.