Alright, here's another point of ignorance in the wide woooorld of bowling from me...
My span is small. 4 1/16 x 4 1/8. All my stuff has slight reverse pitch (either 1/16 or 1/8). I'm having some new stuff drilled up next week, and I'm going to forward pitch, since I've thrown a few balls with forward pitch and I've been amazed by the smoothness and consistency of my release.
What should I be looking at for forward pitch with my span? I was OK throwing 1/4, but the Jayhawk chart says 1/8... I could of course go with 3/16 and split the difference.
How much do you think my span will change if I go to (for arguments sake) 3/16. Is there a chart that shows that for every certain amount of forward pitch, you have to shorten your span?
Thanks again, pardon the stupidity...