Okay, I am holding my hands up and admitting that I am lost.
I am currently bowling with a 14lb ball afte rhaving some issues with my fingers getting sharp pins and needles in them while bowling, and going numb. Span checked, all seemed within normal parameters.
Tried going back up to 15 with same span, fingers go straight away.
Threw a 16 with no finger inserts and slightly smaller span while demonstrating something - No problems!
I have taken to wearing a storm xtra - roll wrist support to support my fingers, as they feel very cotton wooly after bowling at the moment, but the three local shops I have been too all seems to have differing opinions of what the problem is and how to solve it.
Has anyone ever had anything like this, and could anyone offer any suggestions, as I dont really want to carry on wearing the wrist support.
I was thinking of going for a shorter span with a little bit of reverse pitch on the fingers and no inserts to see if that made any impact
Reality Is.......Working out how to carry the 10, only to start leaving the 7.