Bowling PBA Regionals and tournaments has forced me to learn a 3 step approach so that I can stand in front of the ball return. Sometimes you have to play there even when there is plenty of oil, THS is nothing like PBA conditions. Last night I practiced this for about 1.5 hours. Got as deep as 64 with my feet and looking at 32 at the arrows. Threw 10 in a row once last night, they were hooking a little!
Even though, DP3 is still right, even if playing in front of the ball return. You still want to be "soft" or "quiet" with your hand, don't hit up on the ball so hard. Try to keep your target down the lane, maybe as far as 40 feet, most people cannot do this, but it is easy with some practice. This will help you project the ball through the front, and not screw the ball into the lane, like many stand left, throw right bowlers do.
Also try thinking about keeping your and open during release, palm up, all fingers straight out, this might help you not catch the ball so much at the bottom.
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