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Author Topic: Is perceived sandbagging getting out of hand?  (Read 1118 times)


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Is perceived sandbagging getting out of hand?
« on: November 04, 2011, 02:44:53 AM »
 I thought it was bad when eveytime I saw  a post with sandbagging in the title. I knew what was  coming "In tournament/league/brackets xyz. I shoot great but lost. Everyone at the top was a sandbagger with a ton if handicap."

But now we are getting the bowlers who are worried about perceived sandbagging!  Somebody is or had been sick or in a slump and not bowling as good, then they worry that everyone thinks they are andbagging. Or  the bowler who when he bowled good went and apologized to the other team so they wouldnt think he sandbagged the times before!

Its got tothe point it seems, that if your a good bowler your not allowed to have bad nights or be in a slump. Without everyone yelling your a sandbagger.
 Now some of its just in fun, your friends kidding you. But there in the back are the others thinking "hes just doing that to get that one extra pin of hdcp. for next week when we bowl them." or "hes just keeping his average.down so he can use last years Average for the big tournament"

I mean really apologizing for bowling good or being worried about how you bowled bad because your arm was sore from work and if that violated the sandbagging rule! come on!

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Re: Is perceived sandbagging getting out of hand?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 12:16:20 PM »
I had a couple bowlers come up to me and ask if I was sandbagging this year, as my average is down 20 plus pins, and have only bowled 3 weeks.


I told them to come watch me its only a 14 team league and everyone knows everyone else from not only the bowling, but we are all Volunteer Firemen.


One guy actually did, and he asked what the "hell" happened to me. I told him I herniated 3 lower discs at work, and hence cant even feel my left foot. Thus no slide as I come down basically now on my heel (formerly had a long slide). He felt bad, wished me luck.


I am just lucky the docs are allowing me to compete every few weeks. Now how to learn to bowl by planting instead of sliding. - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: Is perceived sandbagging getting out of hand?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2011, 12:17:41 PM »
In my Tuesday league I am a regular 235 Avg. bowler and I hit a slump about 5 weeks ago that dropped me to a
223 avg.  My previous 5 weeks were as follows: 591-613-605-584-626.  Then to hopefully break my slump last Tuesday shot 279-277-254 for an 810.  After the weeks that I had that 800 was ten time better the my first one.  Nobody thought I was sandbagging because they know I get upset when i dont come with in 15 pins of my avg.  And it showed.  
On another note I knew a guy last season who bowled in a club setting instead of the local center, 6 lane center manual scoring.  He is a normal 210-215 avg bowler, averaged around a 170 for the season, went to states and killed it.  Made about $2000 from Singles Hdcp and doubles Hdcp, plus there team did decent from that event and made a few bucks.  Thats sandbagging!