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Author Topic: Wrongsider Unfair advantage:- Anger management  (Read 1208 times)


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Wrongsider Unfair advantage:- Anger management
« on: December 05, 2005, 10:16:20 AM »
In a league I bowl,last season was dominated by a wrong sider who "Owns" this alley I bowl in where he averages 220+ in at least 3-4 leagues.When he bowls in other houses and on our tour his average drops but almost 20 pins per game.Its a four man team and because we don't have the lanes "Dressed" he gets ideal conditions (Put down by the Lefty Mechanic) while we have patchy lanes where no 2 play the same.I tried to raise this issue at the agm but despite people saying they would back me up no-one apart from me had the kahoona's to raise this issue and nothing was done.

At the end of last season he left after some tension with him,another member of his family and some other members of the league and both vowed never to bowl in the league again.Now at this point there are about 4 bowlers at the top of the league (Me being one) within 1-2 pins of each other making it nice and competitive.However I have checked our league web site and found that both of them have decided to return to the league.

Now not only does it take me 2 hours+ to get to the bowl, all my income (Not rich) goes on that one night of bowling.The fact that the team he has joined already have 2 of the top four bowlers and the advantage he gains from being a lefty means that I and others may as well give up on the indivdual and team prizes (A decent bit of cash).

This situation has left me feeling very bitter and annoyed and I feel like dropping out of this league and the centre.His advantage is so bad that if other "Good" bowlers see his name on a league sheet or tournament roster they will not join/enter.What I want to know is if you were in the same situation what would you do and if you would stay,what can I do to manage my annoyance at this situatioon.
I would have got away with it if it was not for those pesky kids (Behind my lane) and those blasted 10 pins.