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Author Topic: Drilling suggestions for an Arctic Sniper  (Read 724 times)


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Drilling suggestions for an Arctic Sniper
« on: February 05, 2016, 03:15:41 PM »
  Ready to invest in a new spare ball, and I have decided to go with an Arctic Sniper.  I am hoping it will serve a dual purpose as my main house I bowl league in has the "lovely" lane shield surface.  My main issue is the outsides hook hard.  It is a noticeable difference compared to the other house in town I bowl at that has Brunswick synthetic lanes.  I know its not an oil issue, because inside of 10 there is plenty of hold at the start of the night.  However, as the night progresses and that area starts to burn up I struggle to carry.  My rev rate sits between 400-450 and ball speed is around 18-19.  When I hit the third game I have to increase my ball speed without increasing my rev rate to keep the ball in the pocket. 

     This causes me to have a less than ideal pocket entry and rely on swish carries which is far from consistent.  My hope is since the Arctic Sniper is a pearl urethane cover it could serve as a last resort option to counteract the excessive hook.  My concern is how to approach drilling the ball with the Hollow Point core.  My PAP is 5 and 1/16 over and 1/2 up and I have a high track (first ring is around 1/2 inch off the finger and right next to my thumb).

     I know several people who own one of these and have it drilled RICO, but I have heard that layout can cause high track players to roll over the thumb.  I roll over the thumb for straight shots at spares, but would obviously like to avoid that if I use it to play drier patterns.  I am intrigued by this PBA Plastic Ball Layout I read about which is 80 x 3.3" x 30.  Not sure how that would translate to this particular ball though. 
     So I am hoping among the vast knowledge on these forums someone can enlighten me on a solution to my problem, as always thanks for any suggestions!
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