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Author Topic: Time Limit to bowl during leagues  (Read 7060 times)


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Time Limit to bowl during leagues
« on: April 01, 2004, 05:47:04 PM »
One of my biggest pet peeves and annoyances during league bowling is when people are more concerned with socializing than bowling.  Last night we bowled this one team that is notoriously slow, one guy insisting on 4 lane courtesy (not exaggerating) and another guy who yaks on his cell phone and won't bowl until he is done.  Of course, they are 140 average bolwers who think they need 5-6 minutes prep time per shot, and get upset if you ask them to speed it up a bit. Any team that bowls them is gaurenteed to be the last ones in the house.

I know that in the PBA, in the interest of time they enforce a time limit for a guy to deliver a shot.  If the pro's have to do it I think a similar rule should exist in leagues.  I think like a 2 minute rule should be enforced.  If you do not bowl within two minutes of the last bowler, your turn is forfeited.  This I think is fair to everyone, and also will cut down on the chronic yakkers or people who have bowling the last thing on their mind while at the lanes.

I also think this should only apply to sanction leagues, so that way people who will not abide by the rule can still have an option to bowl in a league.  

D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names



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Re: Time Limit to bowl during leagues
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2004, 09:03:07 AM »
They're everywhere, every league. One of the things that seems to work for a while is have the league Pres call a team captains meeting and emphasize to each team captain that it's there responsibilty to insure their team-mates are up, ready to bowl, and keep the league flowing...most team captains recognize who this meeting is directed at and will hopefully remind the delinquent team when they bowl  them that they need to get their guys moving....I,ve also seen where the Pres gets on the PA system and makes a announcement to all bowlers that several complaints have been logged, and he would appreciate if everyone would be up to bowl when it's their turn,...these usually only work for a couple of weeks or so,..then the creatures of habit continue their trying ways,...that's when I turn around and yell "who's up on lane 6"..!!!!


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Re: Time Limit to bowl during leagues
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2004, 09:34:33 AM »
If you can get it into the league rules, you can do something like:
1st offense = warning
2nd offense - zero for the frame...
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Re: Time Limit to bowl during leagues
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2004, 10:09:57 AM »
If you can get it into the league rules, you can do something like:
1st offense = warning
2nd offense - zero for the frame...

I'm not sure the ABC would agree with the 2nd offense penalty.  One of my leagues had similar rule for disruptive behaviour that resulted in a 0 for the frame that was ruled illegal by the ABC rules committee.  

Asfor the PBA snd slow play fines, I believe that is only during the Champioship finals, and not during qualifying or match play.