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Author Topic: Time to dump the USBC  (Read 16277 times)


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Time to dump the USBC
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:50:36 PM »
In August our league is most likely going to vote to dump the USBC. The USBC has done nothing for us. Our secretary has put in for some awards and we never get them. We have called the local chapter and still no resolutions. The secretary and other officers are on board with leaving the USBC and we'll still get our awards, even if you already have a rings.

 The league would act on it's own. The money that we would pay to the USBC will be placed in an awards fund and anyone that shoots an honor score will get a ring. We have about 100 bowlers so at $20 a head, we will have around 2 G's for awards. We can buy a lot of rings for 2 G's. Whatever monies that don't get used will be placed back into the general prize fund. It a win, win for our league.

 Leagues used to sanction in order to get awards. Basically now there are no more awards so why keep the USBC. It's time to dump the USBC. I hope more leagues start thinking about leaving them too. Hit 'em where it hurts. Their wallets. Maybe they will get the hint.



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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2016, 08:11:51 PM »
So what happens if the secretary runs off with the money in this non sanctioned league?  Just one reason other than an award to bowl in a sanctioned league.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2016, 08:20:05 PM »
So what happens if the secretary runs off with the money in this non sanctioned league?  Just one reason other than an award to bowl in a sanctioned league.
I've heard of some leagues having that problem. Our officers are all upstanding people who all have been in this league for over 10 years. They all do more than what is asked of them in order to make the league successful. They all have families ties to the community and most importantly, we know where they live.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 08:36:46 PM »
Will you let league members use their Jackals?
Or use the USBC approved ball list?

Just it a try and see what happens.
We're still going to play by USBC rules. We just elect not to give them any monies.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 08:48:07 PM »
It will be interesting to see how many of your bowlers wind up having a sanction cards anyway.

Do to them bowling in other leagues that are sanctioned or wanting to bowl in sanctioned tournaments.
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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2016, 08:51:19 PM »
It will be interesting to see how many of your bowlers wind up having a sanction cards anyway.

Do to them bowling in other leagues that are sanctioned or wanting to bowl in sanctioned tournaments.

About 70% only bowl in this league and have doing so for many years


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2016, 09:50:03 PM »
It will be interesting to see how many of your bowlers wind up having a sanction cards anyway.

Do to them bowling in other leagues that are sanctioned or wanting to bowl in sanctioned tournaments.

I would love to dump USBC for the same reasons that the OP stated, but due to a couple of tournaments that I bowl in I have to have a sanction card.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2016, 09:54:46 PM »

For your protection, regardless of the stature of the officers in the local community or how he/she presents him or herself, you need double and possibly triple protection for the league funds. Many others have run off for much less and have literally ruined his/her life for what most of us would shake our head at and say "Why"?

You never know what is going on at home, work, or somewhere else that would make someone act out of character.

Before I moved last year, a guy and his buddies got high/were drinking or a combo of both and decided to order a pizza for delivery. The pizza guy showed up late and the guys started to give the pizza guy a bad time (like a 30 minute delivery guarantee or its free) and one of the guys ended up punching the pizza guy, pizza guy is out cold, falls back, cracks his head on the ground, dies. Guys are all in jail right now over what, a $15-$20 pizza? One guy had no records prior to this...nothing.

Point is, you just never know. Require 2 or 3 signatures on the league funds at the bank and require everyone to sign in front of a banker before any money can be withdrawn. If the lague has checks that can be drawn off the account, make sure the checks require multiple signatures. Make sure the president of the league reviews the bank statements monthly to ensure all the money is in the account that should be. Its the little things that will end up protecting you in the long run.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2016, 08:04:35 AM »
WOWZERS right the captain of my team double as sec. for 6 leagues we showed up to bowl one night and all the other teams was looking at us strange whispering to each other. Come to find out our captain had run off with money from not just our league but all 6 of them and ask us did we have anything to do with. The guy who ran away with the league funds worked for the post office for over 25 years that was the start of in house-banking the next year in my area.

Urethane Game

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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2016, 08:26:56 AM »
I'd say you're kind of a hypocrite if you're going to use USBC rules but not pay for the privilege.  Why bother even bowling?  Why don't you and your fellow league members quit the sport.  Hang out in the bar, pool your money and buy yourselves all the trophies and trinkets you can afford.  If that is the only reason you bowl, the sport doesn't need you!


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2016, 08:46:40 AM »
I disagree with Urethane Game, organized bowling needs everyone it can get but lets be realistic. The USBC and BPAA gave up on the average league bowler a long time ago. USBC is all about the sport/tournament bowling (1% of membership) and the bowling proprietors want to maximize recreational participation with open play and parties.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2016, 08:58:08 AM »
IMO, you're making ab argument FOR the USBC without even realizing it.

in order to start your own league, you're going to use all of the work USBC already did for you.
In order to manage the league, you're going to use the officer structure USBC mandates.
In order to give rewards, you're going to charge bowlers MORE than their USBC dues. Managing your league is already more expensive than USBC sanctioning fees, and you didn't do an iota of the work.

This whole post reeks of "I hate my internet provider, so I steal my neighbors wifi".  I hope your league fails miserably, though I doubt it will. You think you're hitting USBC where it hurts, but the only people this hurts is the bowlers that do sanction that now have even less funding.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2016, 09:18:50 AM »
In August our league is most likely going to vote to dump the USBC. The USBC has done nothing for us. Our secretary has put in for some awards and we never get them. We have called the local chapter and still no resolutions.

You do realize you aren't upset with the national USBC, but with your local organization who you voted into their positions.  National USBC does not provide the everyday awards.  Now, if your only concern are ring awards, then yeah, you get one a lifetime now. 

So what award are you accusing USBC not providing?  If it is a ring, then maybe I can see the complaint.  If it is anything else, you are barking up the wrong tree being mad at the national USBC.  Vote for different people in your local association.


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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2016, 09:27:04 AM »
USBC sanctioning also provided bonding for the league.

If the league goes unsanctioned, then you should use part of that $20 surcharge to have the Treasurer bonded.

We had a guy here who was Sec./Trea. for several leagues, he went and got himself bonded.
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Re: Time to dump the USBC
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2016, 09:37:54 AM »
I disagree with Urethane Game, organized bowling needs everyone it can get but lets be realistic. The USBC and BPAA gave up on the average league bowler a long time ago. USBC is all about the sport/tournament bowling (1% of membership) and the bowling proprietors want to maximize recreational participation with open play and parties.

Agree 100%.  Also...I agree with the notion to not sanction the leagues but let individuals sanction themselves if they want to bowl in a sanctioned tournament.  If the prize fund is done through the center instead of having people to do it themselves; it eliminates the risk of someone running off with the money.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
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