Its a bit misleading to include the prize fund portion of your league fees in the cost of bowling when pointing out how expensive bowling is.
respectively disagree. No league that I have ever participated in has ever allowed anyone to bowl for just lineage. I have to pay what I have to pay; and if that includes a prize fund that is still money out of my pocket every week.
admittedly there will be a return from the prize money. in my sport league my team got third place over all. I made back about a 1/3 of the money I paid in.
my bowling league expenditure is still an order of magnitude higher than my softball expenditure, even after taking into consideration the return from the prize funds.
Extrapolate a 12 week softball league at say $60 for all 12 weeks to keep the math simple and that is still only $180 to get an equivalent # of softball weeks versus the cost of bowling. Bowling costs me close to 3 times that for my sport league, after accounting for prize fund return.
I think the cost of bowling is high and a barrier for entry for the possible new guys. The other thing that scares folks off is the length of the season. I have lost potential bowlers because they coach their kids baseball teams in the spring and bowling would conflict.
Here is what one of our local proprietors have done. They took one of their leagues that struggled to fill out and made each third of the season a self contained league. instead of 1 league, in 3 1 week thirds. it was 3 separate 11 week leagues (12 with position round/roll off) given the casual nature and timing of the league, they take 2 weeks off between session 1 and 2 (they try to align this with Christmas and new years) and 1 week off between the 2nd and 3rd session.
almost half the league bowls all 3 sessions. but it is always full and even has a waiting list.
shortening the season allowed new bowlers to try it w/o the 8 month commitment, and reduced the over all cost for trying the league. the weekly fees are still the same, but you are paying for 3 months only.
my local proprietor is building his business and our sport, he isn't waiting for USBC or anyone else to do it for him. if we want to build bowling back, we have to do it our selves. it isn't USBC's job to recruit bowlers, just give us the structure to bowl in level and fair playing field.