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Author Topic: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA  (Read 6635 times)


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Caught this article & I thought you might be intrested in it considering how much ABS & D/T tout their Kangaroo Leather.

"Under a 1971 California law, a host of animals or their parts are barred from commercial sale in the state, the suit says. That law, found in the criminal code, includes elephant, crocodile, sable antelope, jaguar, cheetah and polar bear. California is the only state criminalizing the sale of kangaroo parts for commercial purposes"

Sounds like ABS might need a good lawyer



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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2003, 09:37:00 AM »
Seems to me that Dexters were about to be available in kangaroo leather as well.

I'm disappointed -- I went to the Dexter site get information on next generation kangaroo shoes, and to my surprise, nothing! In the mean time, support your local 'leather only' shoe company.

Personally I consider Kim to be a credible source of information.  I do not know what Dexter may or may not have on their website.  'course you could have found the same thread if you had performed a simple search.


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2003, 09:57:27 AM »
Michelle: This is from Kimbo's thread:

They should be out in June (?) to the regular public (?)

I fall into that broad category of 'the regular public', just as most of us do. So for all intents and purposes, they are not in fact currently available. It's all speculation until I can get the shoes through a retail outlet.

You seem to enjoy promoting discussions and making conclusions based on "what might be's", but I live in a world where I move forward based on "what is". Those with experience know that it's not safe to assume anything until it actually happens. The world is a volatile place and decisions that appear to be set in stone can change quickly.

Even if Dexter does come out with kangaroo shoes, their regular leather should always be an option. That's all I can ask for as a consumer.


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2003, 10:08:13 AM »

Steven, what part of ABOUT to be available did you miss?  Kim makes reference to a probable June release to the public...gee, June is only a few weeks away- sounds like ABOUT to me.  And last time I checked, ABOUT is not the same as saying CURRENTLY available.  

Either way, I am fortunate enough to live in a state that gives me a number of options instead of trying to cater to the PC crowd.  Given the length of time the kangaroo statute has apparently been on the books, I would opine that other states do not agree with the direction that CA took who knows how long ago.  Based on the bill analysis, it looks like it has been on the books since at least the early 80's and yet we have no other states that wanted to follow the "lead"?  The criminalization is something that needs to go by the wayside...


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2003, 10:30:30 AM »
Michelle: Unless I read Kimbo's response incorrectly, the word "ABOUT" doesn't appear once in her post (although you took delight in using it twice). She uses the words "should be" and sprinkled a few "?" marks in there, but as you are aware, that's not the same as an absolute statement of "will be". So until "it is", it actually "isn't".

And again, as I mentioned in my last post, even if Dexter follows through with the kangaroo leather option, they will still offer their tried and true regular leather shoes. I will still have a choice of which way to go and still be able to exercise my right not to wear kangaroo leather.


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2003, 10:46:07 AM »
Steven, the word about originally was used in this thread by me.  In fact, you quoted me prior to quoting kim's response.  Tell me where in this thread I have made any claim that kim used the ABOUT phrase...oh wait, you CAN'T do that because no such instance occurred.  Use that comprehension ability of yours and read my original instance of ABOUT that you quoted and then allow yourself to contrast that thought with what kimbo posted and you should be able to put 2+2 together and come up with 4.

Some of us are able to take pieces of an equation and see the bigger picture.  It doesn't always have to be a black and white or etched in stone matter such as you try to make things out to be, especially in this overall situation (you know, the legality of kangaroo).

Oh by the way, since we are on the subject and some may be interested...gotta put in my plug for the Tour Ultras marketed by that little ol' company located in San Antonio.  Awesome.  Worked great, even on the somewhat tacky approaches at Tiffany.  No red heel needed.  And comfortable beyond belief...


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2003, 11:24:32 AM »
Oh by the way, since we are on the subject and some may be interested...gotta put in my plug for the Tour Ultras marketed by that little ol' company located in San Antonio.  Awesome.  Worked great, even on the somewhat tacky approaches at Tiffany.  No red heel needed.  And comfortable beyond belief...

Yeah, but The red heel is prettier!

<---------me if I ever meet michelle


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2003, 11:57:41 AM »
Personally I consider Kim to be a credible source of information. I do not know what Dexter may or may not have on their website. 'course you could have found the same thread if you had performed a simple search.

Michelle: The real back and forth thing we have here started with your above reference to Kim's thoughts on the Dexter Kangaroos. You were hanging your hat on the credibility of Kim's statements. So it makes sense that the discussion revolves around what Kim said (NOT you) on the subject. You did not test the Dexter Kangaroos or get any input from Dexter on a possible release date, so why would this revolve around your statement? Why should this be hard to comprehend?

As far as your positive experience with ABS, that's great (I mean that). If you got them to work on tacky approaches, I can only assume you have more of a plant style than I do. I get solid heel contact when I slide, so rubber gives me problems, be it the ABS heels or the standard heel that comes on the SST5's. I find it interesting that the two poster boys for ABS shoes, Steve Hoskins and Jason Couch, have little slide built into their approach.

My only issue (other than less than stellar customer support) on the ABS shoes has been the lack of slide options on the heel. Dynothane too must feel there is a need (and market) for additional leather heel options, or they wouldn't add that option to the shoes.


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Re: Time to send ABS execs to the clink! Breaking the law in CA
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2003, 02:34:15 PM »
You mean there are actually people who give a R-A about Kangaroos? I thought in Aussie land they were considered pests? I think I have been kidnapped to another planet.
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