Don't worry about making enemies on here. Even with most of the guys I have disagreements with, eventually something comes up that I agree with and support them in. And, many times, they do likewise. It isn't about enemies, it's about opinions, sharing, and learning.
Dave, The GRUDGE, and I have been seeing this from different viewpoints, with each side seeing the validity in their own arguments, but I DO NOT see them as enemies, nor do I see them as bad guys, just people with differing opinions.
EBONITE hasn't really changed their pricing, only the way they handle the "BIG 3" online shops, trying to stabilize the pricepoint at which their merchandise can be sold. Telling someone what they can sell your product for seems wrong to me, but it would be natural for those benefitting from it to support it. If someone is giving you what you ask for your product, it seems wrong to tell them that they can't sell it at whatever price they want, but Ebonite is doing that, and only time will tell how it effects the market.
I don't agree with the policy, will not buy anything they make because of it, and have no problem voicing my opinion of it. Likewise, I have no problem with other voicing their opinions as well.
As for my opinions of proshops, it is probably skewed due to the fact that I have been there, done that. I also know that, if someone is doing it as a full time business and trying to make a full living and support a family doing it, they're going to charge every penny they can and are going to love it when they can force the competition to meet the same pricing structure.
If Kmart could've done the same thing with their manufacturers, WalMart wouldn't have been able to steal as big a part of their marketshare by offering lower prices. Manufacturers were FORCED to sell to WalMart at disounted prices BECAUSE WalMart BOUGHT SO MUCH. If Ebonite starts to feel the pinch from this, THEY WILL CHANGE THIS POLICY. If not, they won't.
Good transactions list in my profile