I am learning that there is no ball that will always finish,or ever finish if you dont throw it right. I am also learning that deep inside and heavy oil usually dont go together. Lanes and balls are suspect to your input. If you set a ball down at the fowl line and walk away it will be there when you get back. By the same token,if you dont add the right variables to the equation no ball is gonna do much on any condition. My point,dont look for a ball to solve your bowling short comings,I'm not being critical of you or anyone else,actually, looking in the mirror now. I have owned so many hook monsters and have been disappointed in most of em. I keep getting slapped in the face with the simple truth,I am not doing what i need to be doing,and maybe i dont know what to do.
I just picked up a 920a. I threw it the last 2 days and was quite disappointed. I asked a friend of mine to throw it and it was a different ball. Was it a different ball,no,but the way he threw it was. He had the right formula for the lanes and the ball. I bowled with it yesterday,change some variables,and realized its not so bad a ball,I was just that bad of a bowler the way I was trying to play it. I had no revs,no roll,and was totally over throwing the ball. Change mt hand position release and arm swing and the revs came up the roll and finish were pretty good. I had a vg,hated it,sold it,and then threw a team mates ball. Same set up with a shorter span,(I just shortened my span),and it was actually saddening how well the ball rolled,finished and carried. I think I shot like 240 with it. MY point is its not the ball its what you do with it. One last example. Bowling a tourney,using a big one playing up 7 with good success,another guy was using a power groove that he had sanded to 500 and he was practically hooking the whole lane on a shot alot of people were not even getting a wrinkle on.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling