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Author Topic: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated  (Read 2417 times)


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Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« on: October 27, 2008, 06:03:09 AM »
I went bowling last night for practice as always however come to find out the lanes were fried. First game I pull out my purple rhino WAY left of head pin playing gutter to gutter already(usually dont play this area) pull out green vibe with light coat of secret sauce it too turns left hard finally pulled out my sumo on the second game shoot 222 howeverI have no room to miss outside of 10 so dry anything is brooklyn and anything inside of 15 you are taking out the 7 next game Im swinging gutter to gutter with my xxxl to keep up in the 200s and the lanes just kept getting worse and worse to the point where Im working hard to get my ball to stay on the lane. So here is my question for you all I throw 16lb equipment(timing issues with going down in weight as this is what I learned on) however I have a ball speed that could be considered slow at best VERY finnese style bowler. But I am slightly rev dominant so on these dry lanes I am lost. I also have a league on dry lanes just for this reason(place is the driest in the area. However the other night I went and 10 out was soup and nothing would recover(had all my weaker equipment as thats all I have ever needed out there) but you got inside of that it was baked where I could of had a polished Maxim with me and it would of hooked off the lane. Could yall please help my situation with any advice you may have pertaining to this. Thank you.



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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 02:40:41 PM »
Practice at a different house.  When the lanes are so fried that all bowling balls hook at the arrows then your not going to have a productive practice session.  Your better off going to another house to practice.

If your bowling at a dry house for league it's most likely on a short pattern.  If that's the case then using your xxxl should work.


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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 02:46:42 PM »
Go with a more "up the back" release.  Visualize it like putting top-spin on a Q-ball.  You'll likely still get a little side-rotation, but not as much.  Use the XXXL for this, I've found on drier lanes this ball works really well with that style release.  At least if you miss with this release, you're more likely to leave a make-able spare.

When I'm faced with the lanes you describe, I leave a ton of garbage when I miss if I try playing gutter to gutter.


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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 11:56:17 PM »
10 extra feet of length?? I doubt that?

The last thing you need is Lift, so do as Tommy Jones, place your Thumb in first and fingers last, doing so will take the early revs off that are making your ball burn-up on dry lanes! You will get 10 feet extra length and the ball will do it's job @ the point of entry.
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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 12:03:01 AM »
10 extra feet of length?? I doubt that?

The last thing you need is Lift, so do as Tommy Jones, place your Thumb in first and fingers last, doing so will take the early revs off that are making your ball burn-up on dry lanes! You will get 10 feet extra length and the ball will do it's job @ the point of entry.
Seahawks Fan! I don't hate other NFL teams, just their Fan's!

It's my experience that this is true.

You really will get quite a bit of extra length.
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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 03:17:20 AM »
I had some good success on fried lanes (my club house, which is in a basement and has no airco, is hooking hell in summer time - and they put less oil out, too) with a suitcase release, flat wrist, combined with quite strong polished pearl balls. It is also a technique I use for 2-9 leaves (with my nornmal strike ball at hand).
I get the ball to slide 40-45' down the lane this well, still with some revs, and due to a stronger core it quickly turns into a roll and builds up some momentum and pressure, while only hooking a little.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 05:41:36 AM »
Like I said though it simply comes down to my finnesse style of play with my low ball speed that gets me I tried suitcasing and still the ball turns too much due to my speed. Also the reason I practice at that house is they usually use a pretty heavy amount of oil but last 2 times out its been a drought(on sundays) the reason I bowl on a league at the dry lane is that is where a good friend bowls and I like the challenge of competing with him at his house if you will. Lastly I will try coming straght up the back with my xxxl I will just need to work on not turning up it. Once again thank you all for all the advice it has been much appreciated.


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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2008, 07:57:48 AM »
hand position and release has everything to do with it imo
when i run into this situation i have to be very conscience of my hand position @ release.

i got to come right up the back otherwise it starts hooking on my backswing.

if i can move a little left and lay the ball down in the head oil then i can play a nice little swing
member : F.O.S.

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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2008, 11:26:05 AM »
Sometimes changing equipment is the best adjustment I can make.  I support the suggestion to get a Lane #1 Buzzsaw XXXL.  I have a Lane #1 Bullet -- one of their older dry lane balls -- and it is a monster on bone dry lanes.  When I can't get anything else to hit the pocket my Bullet always delivers.

Complete ball arsenal:
Storm Gravity Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Lane #1 Bullet
Hammer Cherry Vibe
Brunswick BVP Wizard
Columbia 300 White Dot - Blue Pearl


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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2008, 11:55:53 AM »
Check this out...

Get you a week ball and drilling up left handed..
Sand the ball with the highest sand possible and then polish the ball with this XXXL polish or some turtle wax... By any means necessary you heard.

This will work promise

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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2008, 08:46:42 PM »
Go with a more "up the back" release.  Visualize it like putting top-spin on a Q-ball.  You'll likely still get a little side-rotation, but not as much.  Use the XXXL for this, I've found on drier lanes this ball works really well with that style release.  At least if you miss with this release, you're more likely to leave a make-able spare.

When I'm faced with the lanes you describe, I leave a ton of garbage when I miss if I try playing gutter to gutter.


Internet Tough Guy

Cyberspace Sheep Lover

This works for me.  I tend to think of it as "just letting the ball roll".

Did it last night, I had trouble the first two games with my playmaker and then my Whirlwind hooking too early and hitting high or flat.  Went 171 (w/ Brooklyn XXX in the tenth for the "W") and 146, with several splits and washouts.  Third game, I took my plastic ball and just rolled it up ten out to about eight, shot 224.

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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2008, 10:26:02 PM »
Well the issue wasnt the heads my xxxl would get to the midlane and it would look as if it stopped and hit the blinker due to so much friction. So it was able to get through the heads clean and hit the mid hard and fly. the xxxl is drilled pin right of ring and ever so slightly up with x hole. Lastly any tips on really getting a feel for this(tried the other night and still come up the side slightly and it walks.


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Re: Trouble with dry lanes any advice appreciated
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2008, 04:17:03 PM »
Take revs off? This is difficult for many bowlers to do consistently but one of the most coveted abilities out on tour.

With head oil to help, you could also develop a release to increase tilt. Tom Baker is a great example. Using his style of release with faster ball speed will promote length without sacrificing revs.

On true tarmac, it's usually a combination of these things plus equipment that isn't designed to hook.
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson - "Better than Jello" - Kill the back row