Ok let me correct myself. I have troubles with transition in one house. I am better in every other house I bowl in because I can adjust in those houses. In this house, they are oiled with a squirt bottle and mop on top of the existing shot. They completely strip the lanes on Tuesday and the back 15 or so on Thursdays. I can read the lane and adjust when I sub in Thursday's, but every move I make on Sunday's always seems to be the wrong move. If I start going heavy, I move left and the ball doesn't recover. I speed up a little and I throw it through the breakpoint. Last night, I started out with a 238 first game without a good reaction starting around 4th frame. Frame after frame, I noticed my ball going longer and longer before turning over, but it kept coming back and the pins kept slapping each other around on weak hits, so I never moved. When I finally left a weak 7, I moved right a little and I couldn't keep it from going through the head pin and splitting. I tried slowing down a little with the same result. I moved left thinking maybe the ball is burning up, and I missed the head pin to the right. I finished out the game with a 150 something. I brought out urethane for the third game thinking it would be damage control and shot a 205. My main ball is a primal rage and I love it in other houses, but it doesn't seem to be my meal ticket on this shot. I tried sanding it down for a little more control, but all it does is 9 count for me.