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Author Topic: Best ball for a cranker  (Read 4532 times)


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Best ball for a cranker
« on: January 23, 2012, 08:24:38 AM »
I put a lot of revs on the ball and can swing it form gutter to gutter with my Onyx Vibe or play straight up 12 with my Blue Pearl Blade. I haven't bought a new ball in a while and was curious which balls or brands are best suited for a bowler who puts a ton of revs on the ball? I prefer Hammer but would be willing to look at a new line if someone could convince me.



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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 05:27:48 PM »
Its not really that any certain ball fits suites crankers/tweeners/strokers. Its basically what you want out of a ball, and then how it is laid out. Everyone will have certain balls that fit their game, and balls that dont. There is no way of telling whether or not the ball will match up with you without throwing it yourself. But in the hammer line, the Arson ive heard is promising, and the new Black Taboo has a nice reaction in my opinion. 

PAP- 4in right, 2in up of center of grip.
Rev Rate-400ish
Ball Speed 18.0-19.0 mph
I score well with a slight chicken wing  
Storm VG Nano 
DV8 Hell Raiser 
DV8 Reckless 
DV8 Misfit- Orange and Blue, Light scuff with scotch bright to smooth out reaction
Storm Natural 


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 06:47:10 PM »
Dude, if you can get that much out of a Vibe, then anything known to hook more would seem superfluous.
Do you use a 16 pounder? If not, that might be an option to slow you down, then you can tinker with more swing.


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 07:26:27 PM »
Or possibly lower weight to create more ball speed, to possibly even out your speed to rev rate ratio. It sounds if your hooking the lane with a vibe, either your extremely rev dominant, or the house you bowl in lays down sand paper instead of oil lol.

PAP- 4in right, 2in up of center of grip.
Rev Rate-400ish
Ball Speed 18.0-19.0 mph
I score well with a slight chicken wing  
Storm VG Nano 
DV8 Hell Raiser 
DV8 Reckless 
DV8 Misfit- Orange and Blue, Light scuff with scotch bright to smooth out reaction
Storm Natural 


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 09:05:39 AM »
The Blade is drilled pretty much straight up and is 16 lbs and reacts like I want it to but it is getting old and has had many games thrown on it. The Onyx Vibe wasn't drilled the way I wanted it and starts to roll midlane instead of pushing through the heads. I guess a better question would have been which balls are good at getting through the heads and then having a good reaction farther down the lane when drilled pretty close to straight up. I know any ball can be drilled to alter how it rolls and reacts but i was thinking more standard set ups.


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 09:17:18 AM »
Very difficult to give you an accurate assessment of what ball would be best without really seeing you bowl. 


However, going by what you described to get out of the Blade and the Onyx, and what you are looking for in reaction, I would suggest you take a look at the Grape Vibe.  The Grape Vibe is essentially a pearl Onyx, and easily gets down the lane better than an Onyx.  Also based on the age and number of games on your Blade, the Grape Vibe will definitely give you a significant amount more reaction in the back of the lane. 

HammerFan wrote on 1/25/2012 10:05 AM:
The Blade is drilled pretty much straight up and is 16 lbs and reacts like I want it to but it is getting old and has had many games thrown on it. The Onyx Vibe wasn't drilled the way I wanted it and starts to roll midlane instead of pushing through the heads. I guess a better question would have been which balls are good at getting through the heads and then having a good reaction farther down the lane when drilled pretty close to straight up. I know any ball can be drilled to alter how it rolls and reacts but i was thinking more standard set ups.


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 09:23:37 AM »
Very good balls in the hands of crankers I recently witnessed are Motiv's RX-1 (the orange, discontinued, though) and the Solaris Blackout. Both have only a relatively small differential, so that you get a rather continous break and move out of them with really lots of hand - you avoid a truly jumpy breakpoint. The Blackout has also a low RG core, which makes it IMHO suitable for a wide range of conditions. IMHO, it can, in the hands of a skilled cranker, cover anything except the extremes (total dry/oil pond), maybe with slight surface adjustments. It would IMHO play in a league close to the Onyx Vibe, maybe it is a tad weaker and smoother.


Another considerable option are the recently discontinued Solid and Pearl Avalanches from Brunswick. Similar concept (lower RG, lower RG diff:), and with PK18 you get a rather smooth and "old fashioned" cover that lasts long and takes well to surface changes. The Green/Black Pearl Avalanche should IMHO fit your bill under the OV.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
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Edited by dizzyfugu on 25.01.2012 at 10:26 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

j harvey

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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2012, 09:39:01 AM »
Blue dot...


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Re: Best ball for a cranker
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2012, 12:52:24 PM »
Anything Lane 1...20% more carry and 20% more length(your girlfriend might like this as well)....Just get the static weights right, move left and throw to the right and BOOM, you instantly have a ball of the year..