1) Andy Varipapa Y - won the AllStar (100 games!!!) twcie when he was in his mid 50s, trick shot artist whom the TV and the people and the bowlers loved.
2) Billy Hardwick Y - bowled with Index and middle finger when ring finger had arthritis. The greatest of the straight ballers, ever, on the PBA tour. Ice water in his veins.
3) Buddy Bomar Y
4) Carmen Salvino Y Mr. Chicago bowler, Mr. "Animated", earlybig hooking bowler, before Mark Roth came along, Dick Weber's greatest rival, Physical specimen who knows chemistry (has several bowling/chemistry patents). The next ambassador of bowling.
5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y - Beau's father, great bowler in his own righgt. Member of the USBC Hall of fame, I believe.
6) John “Count†Gengler Y - legend from the early 1900s.
7) Joe Berardi Y - one of Brooklyn finest, PBA winner, skinny "kid" who threw his spare ball 28 mph before Robert SMith came along.

Floretta McCutcheon Y - only heard her name mentioned many times
9) Joe Falcaro N
10) Lou Campi Y - wrong foot Lou, winner of first PBA championship. Got his style from playing bocce.
11) Ned Day Y - another famous bowler from the early 1900s (1930 - 50ish)
12) Les Zikes Y- PBA champion, stroker from the 1960s & 70s
13) Marion Ladewig Y
14) Ray Bluth Y early PBA champion, memeber of the Budweisers whose high team 3 game 5 man score held up for many, many years. Famed for keeping a record of every lane in every house he every bowled in. One of my early bowling heroes. Quite man who let everyone else talk, while he BOWLED!
15) Ed Lubanski Y one of the few who stuck to 2 finger drilling even with finger tip believe he was at one time a memeber of the Budweisers (?), at least one of the bowlers when teams were big money just before the creation of the PBA
16) Hank Marino Y
17) Jimmy Smith Y
18) Jimmy Blouin Y
19) Joe Norris Y Famous bowler from the 1930s - 60s, who became an even more famous bowling instructor
20) Junie McMahon Y
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial FAQEdited on 9/22/2008 6:27 AM