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Author Topic: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!  (Read 1410 times)


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Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« on: September 21, 2008, 01:44:19 PM »
As a writer for Bowlers Journal and someone tremendously interested in bowling history, I'm curious what the results of this will be. It's a survey -- to take it, quote the post and then fill out with the instructions here. The names were chosen at pseudo-random...and please, don't use to answer the questions!



Beneath or beside each name you have heard of, write a capital “Y.” If you have heard of the person, and could tell someone (say me) about them, put another “Y.” If you care to add more info on that person, write a quick note.

For example:

"Don Carter. Y. Y. Depending on who you ask, the greatest bowler ever his controlled, but admittedly awkward looking style allowed him to win (again, depending on who you ask) more “majors” than anyone else in the history of the game."

1) Andy Varipapa

2) Billy Hardwick

3) Buddy Bomar

4) Carmen Salvino

5) Nelson Burton, Sr.

6) John “Count” Gengler

7) Joe Berardi

8) Floretta McCutcheon

9) Joe Falcaro

10) Lou Campi

11) Ned Day

12) Les Zikes

13) Marion Ladewig

14) Ray Bluth

15) Ed Lubanski

16) Hank Marino

17) Jimmy Smith

18) Jimmy Blouin

19) Joe Norris

20) Junie McMahon


Edited on 9/21/2008 9:48 PM

Edited on 9/21/2008 9:49 PM


Dan Belcher

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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2008, 10:11:05 PM »
God, I'm too young to have heard of most of these people, and what I've listed below is the most I know about any of them.  I'm a bit embarrassed to know this little about bowling's history.

1) Andy Varipapa Y. Y. Legendary trick shot artist
2) Billy Hardwick Y.
4) Carmen Salvino Y.
5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y.
6) John “Count” Gengler Y.Y. One of the great bowling hustlers of all time

Never heard of the rest of the list...


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2008, 11:08:01 PM »

1) Andy Varipapa Y - won the AllStar (100 games!!!) twcie when he was in his mid 50s, trick shot artist whom the TV and the people and the bowlers loved.

2) Billy Hardwick Y - bowled with Index and middle finger when ring finger had arthritis. The greatest of the straight ballers, ever, on the PBA tour. Ice water in his veins.

3) Buddy Bomar Y

4) Carmen Salvino Y Mr. Chicago bowler, Mr. "Animated", earlybig hooking bowler, before Mark Roth came along, Dick Weber's greatest rival, Physical specimen who knows chemistry (has several bowling/chemistry patents). The next ambassador of bowling.

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y - Beau's father, great bowler in his own righgt. Member of the USBC Hall of fame, I believe.

6) John “Count” Gengler Y - legend from the early 1900s.

7) Joe Berardi Y - one of Brooklyn finest, PBA winner, skinny "kid" who threw his spare ball 28 mph before Robert SMith came along.

8) Floretta McCutcheon Y - only heard her name mentioned many times

9) Joe Falcaro N

10) Lou Campi Y - wrong foot Lou, winner of first PBA championship. Got his style from playing bocce.

11) Ned Day Y - another famous bowler from the early 1900s (1930 - 50ish)

12) Les Zikes Y- PBA champion, stroker from the 1960s & 70s

13) Marion Ladewig Y

14) Ray Bluth Y early PBA champion, memeber of the Budweisers whose high team  3 game 5 man score held up for many, many years. Famed for keeping a record of every lane in every house he every bowled in. One of my early bowling heroes. Quite man who let everyone else talk, while he BOWLED!

15) Ed Lubanski Y one of the few who stuck to 2 finger drilling even with finger tip believe he was at one time a memeber of the Budweisers (?), at least one of the bowlers when teams were big money just before the creation of the PBA

16) Hank Marino Y

17) Jimmy Smith Y

18) Jimmy Blouin Y

19) Joe Norris Y Famous bowler from the 1930s - 60s, who became an even more famous bowling instructor

20) Junie McMahon Y

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Edited on 9/22/2008 6:27 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 11:09:35 PM »
As a writer for Bowlers Journal and someone tremendously interested in bowling history, I'm curious what the results of this will be. It's a survey -- to take it, quote the post and then fill out with the instructions here. The names were chosen at pseudo-random...and please, don't use to answer the questions!



Beneath or beside each name you have heard of, write a capital “Y.” If you have heard of the person, and could tell someone (say me) about them, put another “Y.” If you care to add more info on that person, write a quick note.

For example:

"Don Carter. Y. Y. Depending on who you ask, the greatest bowler ever his controlled, but admittedly awkward looking style allowed him to win (again, depending on who you ask) more “majors” than anyone else in the history of the game."

1) Andy Varipapa Y

2) Billy Hardwick Y (Lenny Nicholson's Close friend, and PBA star)

3) Buddy Bomar Y

4) Carmen Salvino Y (He used to sleep with seaweed on his head, to help hair growth)

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y (Bo's dad)

6) John “Count” Gengler Y (The Count could bowl with the light off, well-known bowling hustler, and my idol)

7) Joe Berardi Y (Brooklyn native, I believe)

8) Floretta McCutcheon Y (She started bowling late, in her thirties, I believe, She was a touring pro, before touring pros...Spent a lot of her life teaching women to bowl. She was inChicago, IL in the 1950s)

9) Joe Falcaro  Y (Chesty was a NY bowler)

10) Lou Campi Y ("Wrong foot" Louie, was originally a Bacci bowler)

11) Ned Day Y (Greatest Match Game Bowler of All-Time)

12) Les Zikes Y (Owns Beverly Lanes, in Arlington Hts., IL. PBA HofFamer, averaged over 200 in the ABC Nationals over 50 years)

13) Marion Ladewig Y (One of the top women bowlers of all time)

14) Ray Bluth Y (He was a member of the "Buds", and had a "peek-a-boo" bowling style)

15) Ed Lubanski Y

16) Hank Marino Y (Bowled out of NY in the 1920s)

17) Jimmy Smith Y (Bowled out of NY in the 1920s)

18) Jimmy Blouin Y (Won the World Open in 1922, defended it 5 times, won numerous ABC titles)

19) Joe Norris Y (Held the ABC record for total pins in the Nationals, I believe)

20) Junie McMahon Y


Edited on 9/21/2008 9:48 PM

Edited on 9/21/2008 9:49 PM

Duke Harding

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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 01:51:16 AM »

1) Andy Varipapa
2) Billy Hardwick
3) Buddy Bomar
4) Carmen Salvino
5) Nelson Burton, Sr.
6) John “Count” Gengler
7) Joe Berardi
8) Floretta McCutcheon
9) Joe Falcaro
10) Lou Campi
11) Ned Day
12) Les Zikes
13) Marion Ladewig
14) Ray Bluth
15) Ed Lubanski
16) Hank Marino
17) Jimmy Smith
18) Jimmy Blouin
19) Joe Norris
20) Junie McMahon


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 03:19:15 AM »

1) Andy Varipapa Y.Y. Guy who does amazing trick shots.

2) Billy Hardwick Y

3) Buddy Bomar N

4) Carmen Salvino Y

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y

6) John “Count” Gengler Y

7) Joe Berardi Y. Y. Firestone Tournament of Champions winner

8) Floretta McCutcheon N

9) Joe Falcaro N

10) Lou Campi Y

11) Ned Day N

12) Les Zikes Y. Y. PBA hall of famer.

13) Marion Ladewig Y. Y. Former Women US Open champion (I think)

14) Ray Bluth N

15) Ed Lubanski N

16) Hank Marino N

17) Jimmy Smith N

18) Jimmy Blouin N

19) Joe Norris N

20) Junie McMahon N

Rick Wunder

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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 09:09:34 AM »
1) Andy Varipapa  Y, Y - Great bowler in his day, but best known for his trick shot exhibitions.

2) Billy Hardwick Y, Y - One of the greats in the early PBA - nobody could play the gutter like him.

3) Buddy Bomar Y, N

4) Carmen Salvino Y, Y - Great Chicago bowler who played in the early days of the PBA with the likes of Weber, Carter, etc.  A student of the game as well as chemistry and physics.  When conditions changed, forcing many players to "retire," Carmen went home and completely re-invented his game, with the help of a physicist friend, and came back out on tour to compete for many more years.

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y, N - Although I know he was a great bowler in his time, the only thing I know about him specifically is that he is Bo's father.

6) John “Count” Gengler Y, Y - All time great bowling hustler

7) Joe Berardi Y, Y - PBA player who appeared on many TV shows in the 80's.  Perhaps best known for winning a big match (don't remember which one) by throwing Brooklyn strikes.

8) Floretta McCutcheon Y, N

9) Joe Falcaro N, N

10) Lou Campi Y, Y - "Wrong Foot" Lou.  One of the early PBA players (PBA's first winner?)

11) Ned Day Y, N

12) Les Zikes Y, Y - Great internation player of his day.  Had some success on the PBA tour, as well.  Son Lyle is a PBA regional player and bowling writer.  Les is the owner/proprietor of Beverly Lanes in Arlington Heights, IL.

13) Marion Ladewig Y, N

14) Ray Bluth Y, Y - One of the Budweisers that set the long-standing 5-man team scoring record that held up for so long.  Also played on the PBA tour.

15) Ed Lubanski Y, N

16) Hank Marino Y, Y - Considered by some to be the best bowler of the first half of the 20th century.

17) Jimmy Smith Y, N

18) Jimmy Blouin Y, N

19) Joe Norris Y, N - Great bowler whose career spanned many years.  Holder of the all-time highest pinfall in USBC (ABC) tournament history.

20) Junie McMahon Y, N


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 03:38:23 PM »


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 03:49:13 PM »
As a writer for Bowlers Journal and someone tremendously interested in bowling history, I'm curious what the results of this will be. It's a survey -- to take it, quote the post and then fill out with the instructions here. The names were chosen at pseudo-random...and please, don't use to answer the questions!



Beneath or beside each name you have heard of, write a capital “Y.” If you have heard of the person, and could tell someone (say me) about them, put another “Y.” If you care to add more info on that person, write a quick note.

For example:

"Don Carter. Y. Y. Depending on who you ask, the greatest bowler ever his controlled, but admittedly awkward looking style allowed him to win (again, depending on who you ask) more “majors” than anyone else in the history of the game."

1) Andy Varipapa yy

2) Billy Hardwick yy

3) Buddy Bomar

4) Carmen Salvino yy

5) Nelson Burton, Sr.  yy

6) John “Count” Gengler

7) Joe Berardi yy

8) Floretta McCutcheon

9) Joe Falcaro

10) Lou Campi yy

11) Ned Day

12) Les Zikes yy

13) Marion Ladewig

14) Ray Bluth yy

15) Ed Lubanski y

16) Hank Marino

17) Jimmy Smith

18) Jimmy Blouin

19) Joe Norris

20) Junie McMahon


Edited on 9/21/2008 9:48 PM

Edited on 9/21/2008 9:49 PM

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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2008, 05:56:27 PM »

1) Andy Varipapa Y Y  Known as "The clown prince" of bowling, Varipapa was known for his trick shot artistry.  In truth, he was one of the most talented bowlers of his day, winning the ABC tournament either 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 4 years.

2) Billy Hardwick Y

3) Buddy Bomar Y

4) Carmen Salvino Y Y  One of the original members of the PBA, Salvino was a flashy and almost brash young man who was very talented at the game.

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y

6) John “Count” Gengler Y Y Was once purported to have thrown 12 strikes in a row with the lights off.

7) Joe Berardi Y

8) Floretta McCutcheon

9) Joe Falcaro Y

10) Lou Campi Y

11) Ned Day Y

12) Les Zikes Y

13) Marion Ladewig Y

14) Ray Bluth Y

15) Ed Lubanski Y

16) Hank Marino Y

17) Jimmy Smith

18) Jimmy Blouin

19) Joe Norris Y Y Holds the current record for total pinfall at the ABC/USBC National tournaments.  Sadly, Mr. Norris died just recently

20) Junie McMahon Y

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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2008, 07:08:17 PM »


1) Andy Varipapa

2) Billy Hardwick

3) Buddy Bomar

4) Carmen Salvino

5) Nelson Burton, Sr.

6) John “Count” Gengler

7) Joe Berardi

8) Floretta McCutcheon

9) Joe Falcaro

10) Lou Campi

11) Ned Day

12) Les Zikes

13) Marion Ladewig

14) Ray Bluth

15) Ed Lubanski

16) Hank Marino

17) Jimmy Smith

18) Jimmy Blouin

19) Joe Norris

20) Junie McMahon


IM 15 so im not gonna do good lol.
1. Y
2. Y
3. N
4. Y
5. Y
6. N
7. Y
8. N
9. N
10 N
11. N
12. N
13. N
14. N
15. N
16. N
17. Y
18. N
19. N
20. N
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their OTHER BRANDS ball.


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Re: Tired of political nonsense? Take this bowing survey!
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2008, 07:13:45 PM »


1) Andy Varipapa Y

2) Billy Hardwick Y

3) Buddy Bomar N

4) Carmen Salvino Y

5) Nelson Burton, Sr. Y

6) John “Count” Gengler N

7) Joe Berardi N

8) Floretta McCutcheon N

9) Joe Falcaro N

10) Lou Campi N

11) Ned Day Y

12) Les Zikes Y

13) Marion Ladewig N

14) Ray Bluth N

15) Ed Lubanski N

16) Hank Marino N

17) Jimmy Smith N

18) Jimmy Blouin N

19) Joe Norris N

20) Junie McMahon N

Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~