Okay folks, have been in a dilemma for sometime due to how ugly my form is going from starting position to back swing. When releasing, ball is perfect from my hand and my track and everything is wonderful.. PAP is 5 3/4 by 3/8 up so I have no problems with release. Now, here are the details. Average 238 for 8 weeks here. 17 years old, do various tournaments accross the state of Indy, where im from, or Michigan and Ohio. Doing fairly well in them and have placed and etc..(due to many players being in college, I am most likely top 5 youngest in most tournaments)
Now, from my starting position, I tend to chicken wing the ball. I have been trying to straighten my arm out but tend to lose accuracy and tend to not be able to have the recovery I usually do. With my form, my elbow is bent in my backswing, and is bent all until I release where I have that down. So the question is, should I sacrifice average to straighten out my form to make it prettier, or should I continue the success I am on, and keep it the way it is.. Have talked to many coaches for this as well.. Women's coach for ball state says I need to work it out, make it better, so I can be more fluent with timing and delivery. And on the opposite side, Gary Sparks from Vincennes says it really didnt matter how pretty my backswing was, as long as I came to the foul line with proper technique. So I don't know what I should give up. I figure that if I take the time to straighten my arm out, my consistency would get better and maybe the average would go up.. I don't have problems with shooting scores, its just I don't want to sacrifice a high average for my age to work this out..
Any opinions?
*On edit, here is a 10 second clip, maybe you can see it here..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkuV-9oUBOwAnd yes, that 10 pin did get kicked out,

http://www.kennyskidmorebowling.comStand left, throw right, and strap it like a trojan!!

Edited on 2/5/2009 10:29 PM