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Author Topic: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.  (Read 2251 times)


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To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« on: March 15, 2010, 09:18:19 AM »
After the last shot in a league or tournament has thrown,and you have had your lunch
handed to you by a large margin,or by several pins.Maybe you have even  won,do you
still congratulate you opponent not matter what,or is it based on if you like you opponents
or not.I will admit that.That I sometimes do not congratulate a few of the somewhat annoying
opponents.This may only happen one time per year.And I feel that it was wrong to do it.But I''m
human and it happens,I just try to keep these moments to a minimum.What do you do?

Edited on 3/15/2010 5:42 PM



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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 05:25:39 PM »
I only go out of my way for people who go out of my way for me. If an opposing team mate is bigging me up after a shot or game, then I will do the same in return. I'm a sportmen in all matter, but if you can't show it to me, I can't show it to you.
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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 05:32:45 PM »
I've always made it a point to congratulate an individual or team that has beaten me.


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 06:30:43 PM »
I don't congratulate them, but I always shake their hand after bowling. If they had a good game or series, I will say so.
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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 06:44:37 PM »
One should be as good a loser as he or she is a winner, personally I always tell the other team members I enjoyed bowling with them and if someone did really well will tell them so
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Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 08:39:43 PM »
I always congratulate and shake hands at the end of the night.  It's simply the right thing to do.



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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2010, 08:49:30 PM »
I always shake hands afterwards no matter the outcome.


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2010, 11:05:02 PM »
If I bowled well, but came up short, I am a gentleman and look forward to congratulating the person or other team. Must admit that when I am upset with my own peformance, I do not go out of my way to talk to the other team afterward, as I am too busy beating myself up to really notice anything or anyone else.

That's kind of immature, but honest. On the other hand, I am ALWAYS a gentleman when/if someone else approaches me matter how upset I might be with the result or my own stats for the night. I'm just not as outgoing on the bad nights is all.

As for THEIR personality.... they would have to be really awful for me to deny them a congrats afterward.  Has never happened to me yet in fact.


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2010, 11:23:05 PM »
I congrat anyone who shoots good and try my best to be polite to all however we have a team or 2 on my 1 league that will cheer when you throw a bad shot toward the end of a game that could make your team lose. These teams I will NOT even waste my time with them!


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 11:23:57 PM »
I've had it go all ways.  We've had games where both teams have fun regardless of how we are bowling or who is winning.  We've had teams that don't acknowledge us other than to get somebody to sign the recap and then give a half-hearted "nice bowling."

In general my team will just reflect whatever "vibe" we're getting from the other team.   You know, some teams will just give you the sh_ttiest looks when your 150-160 female bowlers end up bowling 190-200 games and act like you are sandbagging or something.  I've even heard some people say that in the restroom when they didn't see me in there.  Funny, but they never complain when the higher average bowlers have an off night and bowl 30 pins under average each game!

Personally, I'm not all that into slapping fives with the other team after every shot, but I do make an effort to tell the bowler "nice shot" or "nice pickup," or even "nice try" when they do make a nice effort.  I also try to tell the other team "nice bowling, see you next week."

But, it really is surprising to me how many people just ignore you or act like they could care less.


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2010, 01:40:39 AM »
One should be as good a loser as he or she is a winner, personally I always tell the other team members I enjoyed bowling with them and if someone did really well will tell them so
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2010, 02:25:21 AM »
I can count the number of times I HAVEN'T shook the other guy's/team's hand/hands on two fingers. One time was at a tournament where we were bowling doubles and the other guys decided, because I bowled so far above my average, that I was a sandbagger and a cheat and threatened all manner of things vis-a-vis the tournament committee. I even tried to shake their hands afterwards and they'd have none of it.

The other time was in a summer league where the captain of the other team, who was also the manager of the house, blew up at a beginner bowler on an adjacent pair for not showing lane courtesy (she had no idea what it was, and needed to be gently taught rather than yelled at), then when I tried to intervene, he told me to shut my mouth or he'd whip my a**. At the time, I was about 6 inches taller than him, 20 years younger and a lot better in shape than he was, and told him if he opened his mouth to me again I'd take him outside. Not surprisingly, about a month later he blew up at someone else, and that person DID take him out in the parking lot, and a month after that, he had a stroke after losing his temper yet again.

Quoting John Mellencamp: "Some people, ain't no da*n good, you can't change 'em, you can't love 'em."



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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2010, 06:37:41 AM »
OMG, do people really behave like taht Jess!!!

sounds like he got what was owing to them. Karma!!

Only ever had one team, who were a bunch of as*holes years ago!! One big guy (their captain) began poping their thumb in and out of bowling ball before I threw my last shot in the 10th of the last game, need a spare and count to win.. Couldn't believe these guys!! I stopped,turned around a gave him my "shut the fluck up" look, very scary lol esp cause I'm 5'10" and quite slim, then proceeded to spare and get a 9 to win the game and overall. They didn't shake our hands.. Needless to say, these guys aren't bowling these days, and I am, so all power to me...

Hard to imagine what goes into the mind of a 6'3" village idiot...


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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2010, 07:27:54 AM »
99.9% of the time I will shake hands, let the other team know I enjoyed bowling with them and congratulate them when they bowl well no matter which team wins.

The only time I would not is when one of the members of the other team acts like an insufferable pr!ck.  In those rare occasions, the other members of the team would be still be treated properly and I would just make a passing comment to them about their teammates conduct.

On the few occasions I have gone that route, the other team members generally agreed with my assessment and apologized for their team mate's conduct.
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Re: To congratulate or not?Does your feeling dictate this.
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2010, 09:54:39 AM »
I shake everyone's hand unless they seem visably upset with me, or are calling me a sandbagger/threatening me. One of the good things I learned from my father.

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