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Author Topic: to quit or not to quit?  (Read 1269 times)


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to quit or not to quit?
« on: June 06, 2009, 12:03:43 PM »
so my summer isn't going the way i planned (in more ways then one). and i find it affecting my mood with bowling. now i have been away at school and found no time to bowl over fall, winter, or even spring league. it was that way last year as well but i was able to come back and bowl my standard summer league. This summer however i feel nothing toward the sport and have developed a sort of malaise while bowling. my scores tend to reflect that, i am currently averaging a 144 at my league where i once held a 175. i figured that doing fun things with my friends during league would change my feelings. but sadly it hasn't and after a truly disappointing week where i averaged a 130 i started seriously considering quitting the league and bowling all together. after a few days my friend said i should just try playing straight for the rest of the league as my average would no doubt increase and i might change my mind after that. im not sure however and i wonder how effective this tactic would be in reality. i should mention that i am in between jobs currently and am selling a considerable amount of stuff to pay for activites, food, and other things on a regular basis(i still have some funds saved up but not a terribly large amount). and so i pose the question is it worth staying with the league and the sport or do i get out now before i spend to much?
-just another bowler


Matt Fortney

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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 08:32:28 PM »
It seems to me like you've gotta get back to your roots like i had to do a few years back. i was going through the same thing...well, at least as far as the mental game went, and inspiration came from an unlikely thing. what you've got to remember is that your attitude toward bowling is a huge part of the game. you've got to realize that maybe it's nothing more than your attitude and mental game that's getting in the way of your scores increasing. do yourself a favor and try to observe kids bowling. the younger the better. watch how excited they get over nothing at all, over throwing a gutter. they get excited over being able to do what they're doing. you've gotta to look within yourself and ask why you started bowling. did you start because you love the game, and appreciated the little things? or did you start bowling to score well? if you started the game to bowl well...then quit, because you'll never be as good as you think you should. appreciate and respect the game, and you'll see better scores, and a clearer mind.

just my opinion. i hope it all goes well whatever you decide to do.



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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 10:11:37 AM »
I agree, put the ball away for a while.  Sounds like you are young enough to come back in a few years if you get the urge back.  Spend you money on things that you currently enjoy.

Good Luck


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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 10:22:53 AM »
I tend not to answer this type of question but I will give my 2 cents worth.

I'd say do NOT sell every ball/bag etc you have, keep one or two you feel works best for you. Lay off a season and see if the "bug" is still there, the desire, the drive or the " I just have to bowl" is there. If it is, work your budget and see if you can do this without taking away from food/books/etc. If so, hit the lanes. If you see you can't, stay off a bit more but keep your equipment. Once things get better you'll be set and not having to spend a ton of money to do something you really want to.

Good luck in school, finding a good job and with your decision.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 11:38:03 PM »
Cool is right. I have been without work since September and my wife since November. We are living off unemployment and savings. I have attempted to quit a few times and my wife asked me to actually keep bowling as a way to get out of the house and meet people. It gives me something to look forward to.

However it is extremely difficult to concentrate and enjoy it especially when I cannot afford any new equipment. I cannot afford any tournaments. I can only afford a couple of practice games and league with maybe one soft drink. Bowling as we know is now an expensive sport on the competitive side. When we all threw pancake urethane balls and only carried two it was easy. You could throw the same ball for years. As we know, that is not the case. Even a mid price is going to set you back $150 so you had better win some prize money to make it back.

I am looking at getting back in the hotel business which will mean no more leagues anyway except for a sub role once in a while. I will probably try to work 50-60 hours a week so I can get my house paid off by age 50. I am 46.

Taking a break may be good, after all we are not professional bowlers, so bowling for us is recreation anyway. Even the regional PBA players are not making a living, they do it for enjoyment and the competition.


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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 07:13:32 PM »
Which is more important? For me I outta the center.
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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2009, 09:04:53 PM »
If it is really to the point to where you have to sell things to fund bowling, definitely take a break from it.  The sport isn't going anywhere.  Come back when you are more financially secure.  You'll see you game get back to where it was, maybe even better.
Hope this is not Chris' blood....


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Re: to quit or not to quit?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2009, 10:16:26 AM »
Extended breaks can be a good thing...and for various reasons.  

I walked away the first time as reactives were coming to market...came back to bowling sometime around 2000.  Walked away again in 2005.  I haven't thrown a dozen games since that season.  I lost a lot of desire when we lost the Tour in 2003. I actually came close a few weeks or so back to tossing a two-ball tote into the truck to head to a local center...

I've never tried unloading the all sits around the house, just in case.